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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Getting ready for a Merry Christmas!

Just a bit of the holidays as they get started around here……   the snow has fallen so all around it is gleaming white.   (they are predicting more for Christmas Eve too)  Our home is snug and warm, even with the temps dropping to 10 below zero this past week. 

We had lovely little carolers at the grocery store … the local girl scout troop!
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Our tree is up and decorated… with presents piled high.  All the shopping is done and the wrapping too.   

The tree is decorated this year in blown glass candies and lollipops, with real candy canes too-- in case some kids come to visit.  We always let children pick the candy canes off the tree.

We even got newborn Allegra a PONY!!!!    (SSSSHHHHHH don’t tell her!)

I think the next project on my list is to do some baking… I have sugar cutout cookies to make, and perhaps some ginger bread men too.   Might even get in a pan of brownies.  Then Steveio would like some cherry pies with the last of the cherries that we froze from his tree.

Anyone wanna come and help?


  1. Hi Karen,

    It sure looks like you are ready for Christmas. Want to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas (just in case I don't get to chat with you).


  2. Looks very festive at your home. Merry Christmas to you two. :)

  3. Merry Christmas! Your home looks beautiful with the tree and gifts.

  4. Wow, all sounds so wonderful and merry.. I hope you and your family have a Very Merry Christmas!
    Love that tree....


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