Ok.. now time to add a few pics, so you can all see what a lovely site we found.
We are set up on site number 13, with a great view over the lilypad filled pond (a.k.a. Old Veteran's Lake) ..the amount of birds and wildlife is abundant and we are enjoying the peaceful surroundings. These quiet parks without any hookups are our favorite. You don't have to deal with blaring radios, big parties, or lots of kids (folks with kids seem to like parks with electricity, to run their video games and dvd's LOL)
Grilled out some dinner ...chicken breasts and mashed taters and corn. I was not feeling up to my *best* yet,but it sure tasted good eating outdoors. Why is that? Any food cooked and eaten outdoors tastes SO much better???
This is such a quiet place....
Took a nice walk through the park, there is a path we might take tomorrow around the whole pond if I feel up to it. The doggers are enjoying the sniffing at things, and exploring and dozing in the sunshine.
The whole purpose of owning the motorhome is that THEY own it, we are just allowed to drive to take them places so they can sniff things. Sigh.
Poor Dukie has his skin allergy back (comes each autumn) so he needed a soaking bath on his belly with a special shampoo..The motorhome tub works out great! He don't think so though... The Oxygenics shower head works WONDERFULLY for spraying down the doggers, and rinses out their fur fast, thus wasting less water. Here he is in the enclosed tub and shower inside the motorhome. We also have an outside shower in a compartment that I use regularly for the doggers...
Clouds started rolling in last night about sunset, made for some pretty pics, and the forcasted rain overnight came and went.
We sat up and played cribbage for a few games, with me soundly trouncing Steveio on the last game (won't talk about who won the first two) ... we watched a bit of TV for the news and weather, and it was time for bed. Only one station up here, and fades out during the day, but is reasonable at night. Enough to see what is going on in the world for 1/2 an hour.. and then off to save the batteries.
It was very pleasant listening to the rain on the roof overnight. Things smell so fresh this morning.
I woke up about 6am, just in time to fill Dukie's doggie dish.. He is SO worried about what is going INTO his dish each day... if it's regular dog food, he sniffs and walks away. But if there was a dab of leftovers or a treat, then it's OH JOY OH HAPPY DAY for him...
Perked up some fresh ground coffee that got the smells to Steveio snoring in bed... and then also baked up some blueberry muffins (from a mix) in my little "Easy Bake Oven".... really called a Coleman Instastart Propane oven. A great compromise to the lack of an LP oven in our motorhome. We only have the convection/micro which I do not like anyhow.
But add to that the need for power to bake anything in the convection, there ain't no way no how I am gonna fire up a generator at 6 am in this lovely quiet woods to bake muffins! so the *Easy Bake Oven* is a great compromise. It bakes 11x9 pan, evenly, and works quite well.
Looking out the windows this morning at squirrels in the tree, saw a fish jump in the pond, and might take the table loom out under the awning for weaving up a few dishtowels???
Half The Night.
1 hour ago
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