Friday, February 4, 2011

Checking in and Babysitting

Al from  reminded me that I have not posted lately.... so I guess I better check in! I am wayyy behind on blog reading too.

Been a bit down and out here... besides the pneumonia,  I seem to have some anemia and bleeding inside somewhere.  Scheduled for upper endoscopy and (ugh) lower GI scoping on Tuesday.  Will know more after that.  But plans are still on for our long RV trip on the 23rd, come hell or high water!

Besides trying to stay on top side of the earth, instead of 6 ft under, we are also caring for the beedlebug baby Chelsea and the two rat dogs, Domino and Angel while Erin and Mark are off to the beach in Cancun.  

(note the temp of 5 below and the wind chills of 25 BELOW zero on the tv screen?)

Granfaddah is doing a good job of wrangling the wee one 
and picking up the endless toys over and over again. 
Notice all the stuff up high on the entertainment center, out of reach of the wee one?

And here are the rat dog Chihuahuas that should have gone to Mexico WITH them!
and leave them there in their Native Motherland! 

Are two chihuahuas called chihuahuii ????

The kids sent home email messages of -  
getting couples massages, 
laying on the beach, 
exploring Mayan ruins,
dipping in the ocean and 
going snorkeling.   

All while we sit here in the Great Lakes with massive cold, winds, ice, snow and the top edge of the Monster Storm!    How fair is that?

AND to top it off, the neighbors are down there too, so we are watching their house, and feeding their cat.

Steve has had to go shovel and snowblow at both of  their houses, besides our house too.  He sure has been kept hopping and really deserves a vacation!~

The other BIG NEWS today is that our beedle bug Chelsea poked through her second tooth today!   Without a bit of fuss, crying, pains, or drooling.  It just POPPED UP!

The kids will be back in Wisconsin on late Saturday, so we will move the dogs, crate, kid, toys, diapers and gear all back to their house before they pull.  Get the baby sleeping in her own crib, and the dogs in their own domain.   Then Erin and Mark can just come home, relax and enjoy their child and dogs... .and we can go back home to our own peace and quiet!  LOL

That is about it for us....  just thought I would check in!


  1. I sure wish you well on your upcoming tests. Since I tested anemic my dr. also wanted to put me through those crappy tests - just a couple of weeks before a cornea transplant??? I'm pulling for you to be ok and to start planning your next trip!

  2. I sure hope they find out what is wrong with you and it's an easy fix! Keep us informed. I sure hope it doesn't mess up your trip. I think you both deserve a nice warm vacation.

  3. Your plate has certainly been full lately! Hope you can rest up on Sunday, and not get too excited about your Packers. :)

  4. Hope you are feeling much better very soon!

    Kerri in AL :-)

  5. Karen you get yourself back on the mend, we wouldn't want anything to delay your well earned vacation, looks like Steveo had filled in and taken the slack up with the care for the Granddaughter, Good for him. You guys be safe out there. Sam & Donna.

  6. Hope the find an answer that is easy to deal with.

    The little one is cute in her Packer gear!

  7. Sure hope you find out what's going on with you...Stay warm and get well

    You're little granddaughter is soooooo cute!

    Have fun & travel safe

  8. You don't like the little rat dog Chihuahuas?? :)
    My Gramma had a couple of them when I was a kid and I remember them as being very grumpy and snapping at any of us kids who tried to get near Gramma. Needless to say, none of us grand-kids ever got to snuggle on Gramma's lap. Those little rat dogs wouldn't allow it. Get well. You want to leave the frozen tundra called Wisconsin and head south.

  9. Hope the health issues are an easy fix so you can come south and enjoy warmer weather.

  10. Have you not told the Doctor you do not have time for this being sick stuff because you are heading out on vacation shortly!! Seriously, hope everything turns out well. I like those little rat dogs & if I was there I would give those pooches some smooches:))

  11. Oh man, I am exhausted after reading this!! I know what it's like 24/7 with a grandchild...
    Sure will be thinking of you as you go through those tests... gotta do what ya gotta do..
    Praying for good results.

    (Will get that info you are looking for to ya)


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