Saturday, February 5, 2011

Is it time?



  1. I vote YES!!! Hope you are feeling much, much better.

    Kerri in AL :-)

  2. Look at our header and you know what our answer is, I an hoping all the snow is gone by the time you guys pass our way. Already measured in front of the our right garage bay and there is room for your MH in front of the door if you unhook the tow. 30 amp electric available and water, that will work if I can't move my fiver off it's pad if the ground is wet. Or you can park on a curch lot about a block away and use the guest room. We look forward to seeing you guys so I hope you do pass by this way coming or going. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna.

  3. Are you going to have a snow plow blade put on the front of your MH for your great escape? Looks like you'll need one. I know Stevio is a clever guy and will figure out a way to put one on. Can you knit one? ;c)

  4. We're out here and my response to your question is YES - it's time for SPRING! Yikes! Not as much snow here in southern MO but we are so done with cold, snow, sleet and yucky weather in general. I want to drag out my grill!!! Hope you're feeling oodles better!

  5. Oh my! I say skip putting a plow on the front and consider a harness for about 50 sled dogs instead :)

    That looks really cold to me! I think I need some hot tea now! Hope you get out there and have fun!

    97 Roadtrek 170P "Taj Ma Trek"

  6. I think you are waaaaaaay overdue for a long camping trip. Just get in that big blue beast, put the peddle to the metal, doze your way though that snow & get yourselves down south here to where the temperature today was...a warm 65F. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay:))

  7. The RV looks so cold with the snow on top! Bet it wants to get on the road as well!

  8. YES it is and come on down!!!
    Have fun & travel safe

  9. Get out of Dodge as quick as you can!! (after the Packers win, of course :))

  10. I vote yes!!..get out while you can..head to the land of fun in the sun!!


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