Thursday, January 27, 2011

PEE NEW MOAN YA and Pressure Cooker Rice in 8 minutes -

Dang... still struggling with this flu/cold/whatever ...  been going on now for two weeks and it just don't LEAVE!   First it was like a flu, then it went into lungs and congestion, now it's in the head and sinuses.  

Okay, enough complaining.   So I called the doc and went in, sure nuff, I gots PEE NEW MOAN YA ....arggghhh.   I happen to catch almost anything bronchial since I damaged my lungs in a chemical spill in 2002.  I end up with pneumonia about once a year, sometimes twice.   So home again home again jiggety jigg with a shot, some strong antibiotics and some codeine cough syrup.  I am sure within 24-48 hours I will be feeling a lot better.    

Gotta get myself whipped into shape, Erin and Mark are leaving tomorrow night for 8 days to Cancun, so we will have the beedle bug Chelsea granddaughter here 24/7 till they come home.  Not to mention, the two rat dog chihuahuas too! 

Anyhowwwww  === Last week I whipped up some rice in the pressure cooker and decided to take some pics of how I do it and the chicken stir fry I had to go along with it.   So I will fill up the rest of the blog with that. 

First I put the bottom rack thingie in the pressure cooker, along with an inch of water.

Then I set a small metal bowl in the center of the pot, and measure in one cup of white rice

Then I pour in 2 cups of water into the rice

Put the lid and the rocker on top, turn on the burner and heat it up. 
Once the rocker starts rocking, let it simmer for 8 minutes....

In the meantime, in another frypan I am putting in a dollop of extra virgin olive oil, some garlic, some parsley and some Lawrey's seasonings.  I start heating this up while the rice is starting

Now I chop up onions, and boneless skinless chicken breasts into thin slices.  
If the breasts are still partially frozen, they cut easier.  I add a couple tablespoons of water too.

I stir fry the meat and onions and garlic, and keep stirring it and flipping it around. 
Once that is almost fully cooked through, 
now I add fresh mushrooms, and chunks of broccoli and cauliflower.  (sometimes a little more water) 

and toss the lid on the pan to steam them through.  

About now the rice is done, so I turn off the burner and carry the pressure cooker over to the sink.
I run it under cold water to release the pressure,

and the rice is done to perfection!  

One cup of  raw rice makes 2 cups of cooked rice, just enough for Steve and I.  
We scoop up rice into a bowl, and dump a ladle of the chicken and veggies on top YUUMMMMM

And this is a good quick meal to make when in the motorhome too, 
in case of a rainy icky day when we can't cook outside. 

Now I am gonna get in my flannel jammies, curl up in bed with that good book "A Cowman's Wife"  that I mentioned yesterday... and gonna take it easy and let these antibiotics take hold!  

Got too much to do to be sick, ya know?


  1. Hope those meds help! Even in sunny AZ we've got a nasty flu...first hand experience. I like the pressure cooker explanations...but I don't know what the rocker is, how to get it on or when it "starts rocking".

  2. So sorry that you are so sick! Hope the meds work quickly...

    Kerri in AL :-)

  3. Hey Beth.. thanks for your comment on my blog! I added two more photos to the blog which show the rocker and the lid on the pressure cooker.

  4. Hey there. Take care of yourself! You have a motorhome to get ready.
    My mom used to have a pressure cooker. I'll have to look for it when we get home. Brings back memories.

  5. We don't got none of that PEE NEW MOAN YA stuff down here in Arizony. Better get yerself on down here & git cleared up right quick:))

  6. Sorry you still aren't feeling well. Hope those meds kick in quick especially if you are looking after Chelsea or you'll get yourself more run down. Don't want that with the trip coming up. Take it easy and enjoy your time with Chelsea.

    Kevin and Ruth

  7. Dang it, I want a pressure cooker! I had a pressure canner once, and used the heck out of it. Hmmmm....I do have a birthday coming up. Is yours Presto? Is it stainless?

  8. Yes Deborah, mine is a Presto, and it's stainless, and it's made right here in Eau Claire, WI, good ole USA. I know there are new models out on the market, but perhaps you can find a used one in the thrift shop or rummage sale. Check the gasket and the relief valve to be sure they are good and not rotted away. Old fashioned hardware stores still carry the replacement gaskets and valves. Good Luck!

  9. Wow Karen! Take care of yourself. Don't want to see you miss out on your trip b/c of the pneumonia.

    I have to watch that, too. I got pneumonia bad on a trip to Mexico in 07 that my lungs collapsed. Now I can get it too easily so I have to watch out. Hope to spend next winter someplace warm so it won't be as big of a threat.

  10. You can find a ton of used pressure cookers on eBay --- even easy to replace the gauge if you need to. I had a Presto like this for nearly 30 years -- til my husband threw it out when the handle broke. I could have killed him. Just bought a new one -- love it in the RV (I fulltime) because it has short round handles, so easy store and the handles don't stick out when it's on the stove. It's stainless and I love it. Made red bean soup with brown rice in it today. Rainy and cold here near Yosemite and it was the perfect meal!

  11. Karen, for some reason I had your other bog bookmarked and thought yo hadn't been writing. Found you! :) Looks like a great recipe, hope you are feeling better soon.

  12. Superb blog post, I have book marked this internet site so ideally I’ll see much more on this subject in the foreseeable future!


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