Saturday, April 19, 2014

Some yard work

I know it's not RVing stuff today.... but I thought I would put together a blog anyhow.

I wanted to share a couple treasures I found that I mentioned in my last blog.  On my way home from the camphost orientation, the local thrift shop called me on my cell phone.  She had a couple quilts with wool battings (not polyester)  that they didn't know what to do with.  She was worried they would be ruined by washing them, and wanted me to have them.

I carefully soaked them in Woolite soap in the top loading machine, no aggistation.  Then I spun them out and added rinse water, again soaking them a while.  Added a bit of fabric softener.  Spun out again and hung to dry on the back shaker porch.

The one is rather plain with a blue floral print on a muslin looking background with red wool yarn ties.  But the other is an "eye-catcher" with four small sections that need a bit of repair.

I put them in the grandtots' bedroom as cuddle up quilts.  I will repair the one with a bit of vintage fabric scraps I have on hand and nobody will even be able to tell the difference.

Being a Saturday with NO plans---- we still woke up at 6 am but laid around till 8 or so and then Steve cooked up a big breakfast.  Well, that makes us even MORE lazy!   By 10, I finally convinced him to get up and out and about.  We needed to pick up a few more veggies for some trays for tomorrow's Easter Dinner with the Pfundtners.  We are travelling to Waupaca tomorrow to celebrate with Steve's family.  Will be seeing four of the five grandtots, so looking forward to that bonus too!

Once our errands were done, we decided to get a bit of yard work going.  The dogs were being silly playing with their ball.....  we keep Finney on a rope yet because he is not fully trained.  They had a blast in the yard and kept us laughing with their antics.
Here is a little video clip of them:

There are bits of spring coming up here and there around the yard....

The tulips and daffodils and snow glories are all poking their heads up along the south side of the house... I can not wait to see the riot of colorful yellows and reds and purples!

We cleaned out the garage and sorted and swept and condensed down things --- having a big load to go out on recycling day, and even more to haul to the city dumping area to take care of.  I had Steve drag out my big huge pot with the clematis vine and trellis... hope it made it through the winter okay in the garage.  The stems of the clematis plant seem flexible and I cut off the dead stuff.  Hope it comes back!  This one grows to a delicate light pale pink with deep maroon/fuchsia streaks in the centers of the blooms and petals.   The other clematis by the front porch is deep velvety purple!

Out back along the west side of the yard, the day lilies are peeking up. Not too bad considering our whole yard was covered in snow just a week ago!

Some tiny buds are coming up in the flower bed along the back and I don't know for the life of me what I had planted there last summer! Anyone recognize this?  I have to clear away the leaves yet and add some more mulch to the beds before too much gets away on me.  What are these?

Tossed burgers on the grill tonight and then took a long soaking bath
to ease aching muscles. 
Reading a good book and sipping on some wine, the evening passed quickly. 

Well, it's late here now.. 10 pm.

Ending tonight's blog with my ritual Easter Greetings...... 


  1. Sedum? coming up. when they start they look like hens/chicks but then sprout taller.

  2. Although I from Wisconsin, I still find it hard to remember how long your winter is. My daffodils were all done whena we left the house at the end of March! Loved those yellow smiles. But ?i remember the ones I had planted in Wisconsins years ago were even more precious because the bloomed after a long snowy winter.

  3. If you're talking about the plants in the photo below your question they are called hens 'n chicks. They're great ground cover.

  4. I believe the plants are Sedum, but I'm not an expert. I've always thought that they were so gorgeous!

  5. About those two quilts... I am glad to hear your washing technique. I had never known what to do for an old poor condition quilt. Thanks


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