Monday, April 21, 2014

Pfundtner Family Easter Gathering 2014

Our Easter Sunday was filled with family at our annual Pfundtner Family Easter Gathering....

This year Steve's father, the patriarch of the Pfundtner Family was our host.  He rented the hall for Waupaca township for our group.  We are too many to fit comfortably in anyone's home. It is so nice to rent a hall instead of trying to visit for a few hours of time within in the confines of a restaurant.  Many of us travel 75-100 miles to attend and would like to have time to visit longer than a restaurant might allow.  The kids are all pre-school and need space to run and play and not disturb other diners. This works out so well!

Back row L to R: Steve Pfundtner, Dave Reh, Mark Pfundtner, Faith Hanna, Kirk Hanna, Heather Reh, Paul Pfundtner, Dan Pfundtner, Patrick Hrlevich, Frances Hrlevich, Ellie Hrlevich, Pete Pfundtner.
Front row L to R: Karen Pfundtner, Shirley Pfundtner, Lucas Jones, Robert Jones, Carson Jones, Jen Jones, Mason Pfundtner, Heather Pfundtner, Lynn Pfundtner, Wendy Pfundtner.
Tiny tots row up front L to R: Allegra Pfundtner, Erin Lock, Clayton Pfundtner, and Chelsea Pfundtner. 

Last year we held it at High Cliff State Park in the pavilion, but due to sever winter weather, there were frozen pipes both in the building and underground needing repairs, so the pavilion is currently not being rented out.  

Steve and I got to the hall early and started setting up.  
Soon the room was ready.....

Having tables and chairs all available from the hall is an added bonus so we don't have to 
gather and haul and set up card tables and folding chairs borrowed from family members. 

The family started to arrive and bring in dishes of delicious food to add to the buffet table.  The children were all excited to see each other.  We were missing a few family members.....  one nephew Andrew and also our son-in-law Mark both had to work out of town so would not be able to attend.  Also our daughter Heather, her husband Jesse, and our grandson Jameson were with Jesse's family for the holiday.  (we get them on Thanksgiving, and Jesse's family gets them on Easter)

The room was filled with laughter, chatter and silliness with the kids.... Steve's older brother, Mark, led us in a prayer while we all circled around and held hands.  The food line opened up and we shared in the family love put into all of the fine dishes. It must have been pretty good, because there wasn't much left over!

The grandtots were the highlight of the day....
Mason found a good place to hang out while everyone else was finishing up eating.

The giggly girls Allegra and Chelsea were outnumbered by four boy cousins!

After dinner was completed and cleared away, the grandtots were distracted for a bit down a hallway by myself--- the "Grandmuddah of Pfun"  while some aunties quickly took care of the Easter Bunny Duties.  Soon it was time for the Easter Egg Hunt!   

Each child was given a different colored bucket and told to look for the eggs that match their color!  It worked out so well with that system.  The older kids were busy helping the littler ones find the eggs of their color, and also filling their own baskets too.  It was so sweet to see them helping and sharing instead of hogging and grabbing all they could find.  

Here are a couple short little video clips of them during their hunt:

I really enjoyed watching them run around and discover their colors.  Little Grandtot Allegra looks so serious finding her pink eggs here!   Little nephew Lucas was concentrating on finding his orange eggs. 

Grandtot Clayton and nephew Carson were exploring the contents
of their blue and green eggs.....  oooooh candy!!!

Kidz N Forts! No need to say more!

After the children were done hunting their eggs, 
the men got out a cribbage board and started up a game.  
Those Pfundtner guys really like cribbage!  
 So cute to see all those generations around the card table, and seeing them all interact.

On another table some of the family members started up some other games,
and the kids were busy chomping down on their candy, getting a Sugar High.

And here are the wee ones with their bounty----

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