Tuesday, July 3, 2012

CAMPING - High Cliff State Park - Day Four

Again, another humid hot record breaking day in Wisconsin, as is the rest of the country.  Ewwwww.   We loaded up the dogs into the Tracker and took them with us for a jaunt up the pointy finger of Wisconsin to Door County.

At least they had a nice cool ride with us in the air conditioning of the Tracker.  We didn't dare leave them in the motorhome today, even if the air conditioning was on in the motorhome.  All too often, the park's power can go out, and the poor animals trapped inside these tin cans get roasty toasty!

As I type this right now, the power is out in our whole loop of the campground!  We are fine with our batteries and inverter, but the other folks all around us are out of power.  Many are gone to the fireworks celebration in town, and don't even know their power is out.

We drove up to Door County through all those cute little touristy towns, which were jammed with people.  No thanks.  We didn't even stop or shop anywhere.  Steve had some work-related meetings to attend.  Once we got where we were going, I let the dogs out for a bit of a walk along the beach and snapped some pics.   I drove around for a while to keep the AC running in the Tracker... and keep us cool.

It sure is a pretty area of the state! Steve was done with his business and we headed on south, hoping to get back to our campground and motorhome without running into the horrible holiday traffic.  We cruised past this drive-in, once Steve took me and the kids here.  I said pull in while we ate some sub sandwiches we picked up for supper.  What a fun place... and still running today!

This is one of the last nine remaining drive in theaters in Wisconsin, the Skyway....  http://www.doorcountydrivein.com/about.html

We got home in good shape, and the dogs were happy to get back too.  We took a walk around the park tonight and ran into another couple from Oconto!  Geesh, go 80 miles away to camp and run into people from your own home town of 4,000 ....  We had a little chat and then headed on back to our motorhome for the night.

We are still waiting for the power to straighten out, they must be working on it.  It flicks on and then off, each time resetting our EMS power management system.  So we just unplugged our cord from the post totally now.  I am thinking the added strain of the newest rigs that pulled in today have lowered the available power to our section.  We think some folks are trying to run 2 air conditioners on the small 30amp hookups.   We will leave ours off and unhooked till they get it sorted out.

Glad we are self-sufficient with our batteries and inverter and solar panels.  But tomorrow is going to be in the high 90's again, and I hope we have power available.  After all, we paid for an electric site.  If not, they are gonna have to "bend the rules" here and allow us to run our generator in the park (No generator usage is in the rules)   It's pretty quiet compared to some, and we can still stay cool.  Otherwise we will pull stakes and head on home a day early.

Have a cool night, folks!
(P.S.  added Wednesday morning---  the power is staying on steady now and we have our AC on.   It's already hot hot hot and humid and over 90 degrees already at 10am.  If the power goes out later today, I think we will turn on the generator and let them come "talk to us" if need be.  LOL) 


  1. I can't believe they would refuse to let you run a generator when the heat index is so high and their power doesn't work. But then "rules is rules"! Hope you, Steve & the two doggies can keep cool.

  2. glad that you are self sufficient I hate it when the electricity flickers on and off. I hope you dont have to cut your trip short. Happy 4th!

  3. Even though I lived in Chicago my whole life, I never made it up to Door County, its not that far - maybe someday in my journey around the country.

  4. Aren't you glad you installed the EMS power management system. A lot cheaper than new electronics. I hope your power gets straightened out before tomorrow.

  5. Yep, it sounds like a lot of Canada and the States are having hot, hot weather. We could use some here in England. The temperature isn't too bad but the last few days have been pretty overcast and yesterday it just never stopped raining.

    We also love to be self sufficient with our solar panels. You are then almost never without electricity. It looks like a beautiful area up where you are.

    Kevin and Ruth

  6. We have always enjoyed that re-assurance of knowing our rig is completely self contained including it's own solar power supply. If we ever had a major power outage at home here in Bayfield we can just walk out the door, climb into the rig, fire up the systems & we're fine. Yaaaay Solar Power:))

  7. After buying our generator last year after coming home from your place. and having the power go out in the campground in Illinois. I have religiously carried it in the back of the truck, wherever we go, I exercise it once a month and so far we have not had a power outage,The Lake used to be like that when a bunch of people would fire up the air, the breakers would start letting. A couple years ago they ran heavier why and had the electric company run a couple more drops and now they seem to have adequate capacity. Most of the RV's only have one air conditioner so that seems to help. I have been leaving Rigg's home when it is hot like the last week we were here,just because of what you said ,Adam & I leave the trailer all afternoon and wouldn't know if the power went off. Glad to see you are making it okay. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna...

  8. Sorry to hear it's been so hot. I think I'd leave too, if there was no a/c. Could you please read my current blog and give me your (and Steve's) opinion about what happened to our power yesterday.

  9. One of the main reasons we don't leave the girls home by themselves for long periods of time is because I don't trust the power supply. We have had many times when we were so thankful for our surge guard. And I'm not sure I'd wait for their okay to run the generator. If it gets too bad, the generator would come on. But that would be me.

  10. (P.S. added Wednesday morning--- the power is staying on steady now and we have our AC on. It's already hot hot hot and humid and over 90 degrees already at 10am. If the power goes out later today, I think we will turn on the generator and let them come "talk to us" if need be. LOL)

  11. We always saw a power outage as an excuse to exercise the generator.

    This seem to me like one of those situations where it is better to get forgiveness than permission. :)

  12. We are plugged in to shore power here at the repair shop so have both AC's running. Yesterday we left for the afternoon and I had visions of power outages... but all was well and our ctitters were cool when re returned,

    Blessings & Shalom,
    Richard & iona, Baby Snooks, the dog & Jasper, the cranky old man cat
    Full timing RVers in a '95 Ivory Ed, 40' 300 Cummins DP pulling little green toad (2012 Ford Fiesta)


  13. Karen. Weve been to door co. numerious times but i didn't know there was a drive-in out door theater there. Next time we go there we will have to check it out. Thanks for placing it in your blog. (Shiloh)-Rick


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