Monday, July 2, 2012

CAMPING - High Cliff State Park - Day Three

Ahh those dogs let us sleep in again till 7:30!   I think they are getting into this "Vacation Mode" quite well.

The heat and humidity crept up higher and higher today, but we did cook a nice breakfast in the morning before the heat got too intense.  I used up leftover steak from yesterday, and sliced it up thin, fried it up with a few leftover mushrooms, and added a few eggs.   Then I had half a leftover baked potato that I sliced up and fried too.  EWWWWW a greasy breakfast, but once in a while isn't too bad on Steve's cholesterol.

We managed to run a few errands this morning to ship out packages and pick up a few items we needed.   We had the motorhome's air conditioner going full blast, and the dogs were stretched out enjoying the coolness when we got back.  We figured if we can't beat em, join em.  And took our naps right along with them.  LOL

Oh, here is a shot of our camping sign.  It was the one and only thing Steve gotta outta his divorce! LOL   She gave it back because her name wasn't Pfundtner anymore.

Besides, Steve's folks gave it to them in the first place as a gift, so she didn't want it at all.  LOL ... her loss, my gain!  The Man AND the Sign!    I spruced it up with some fresh paint, and added "Steve & Karen" underneath.  Now it's Our Camping Sign! 

By mid to late afternoon, the storm clouds were rolling in.  We had our weather radio tuned in to this county and the county over to the west.  Sure nuff, big storms were coming, with ping pong sized hail and high winds!  Oh my!  

In preparation, we rolled up our awning and stowed away the lawn chairs, grill and firewood.   We had our wallets, cell phones, keys and my computer backup drive all in a bag on the table by the door.  If we had to vacate the motorhome fast, the nearest shelter was the brick bath house around the corner.  Of course, we would have to leave the dogs behind, and let them fare the storm if it got rough.   I hate the thought, but hauling two scared wet dogs into a crowded bath shelter is not acceptable I guess.  We watched the storm's progress on the tv, and when the park power went out, we flipped to inverter and watched some more.  It passed just north of us, and we only got the rain and some wind.  No hail, No tornadoes, and No damage.  WHEW!

Once all was settled and done, we walked one more time around the campground to get the dogs worn out.  We didn't want to venture out on the trails, as the paws would be coming back as a muddy mess.  So we stuck to the paved roads and wandered around a few of the loops.

It was still pretty windy while we were walking, and we saw a black object drop outta a tree and plop on the road in front of us!  It was a youngish raccoon!!!  He looked dazed and wobbly (who wouldn't after that kind of fall!)   We kept our distance and set the camera on zoom to get these shots.

Shortly after, the camp hosts came by in their cart, and the man tried to scare it up into a tree.  The coon wasn't scaring too easily and it didn't try to run away.  He wrote down the empty campsite number and called in to the rangers to come and deal with the coon.  We went on our way, walking until the darkness overtook us, and headed back to the campsite. 

Ahhhhh, and what do they say about keeping the home fires burning?   I saw the lovely warm glow of lights coming from our rig, soon to be our new full time home.




  1. So glad you and your home were not damaged by the storm! Yes, those lights shining so warmly do speak of home sweet home. I fully understand the feelings that evokes.

    BTW, how did you do the beautiful window in your door? That is lovely!!

    Blessings & Shalom,
    Richard & iona, Baby Snooks, the dog & Jasper, the cranky old man cat
    Full timing RVers in a '95 Ivory Ed, 40' 300 Cummins DP pulling little green toad (2012 Ford Fiesta)

    1. We got tbe stained glass panel in Mexico during our trip in march 2011 if you go back in our archives.. It was a pretty funny story to get it, and how I almost got ARRESTED for photographing a Mexican sioldier's butt!!!

  2. I'd say with the man AND the sign you definitely got the best deal! I love your Home Sweet Home picture.

  3. You guys are adapting well to the migration of a full-time lifestyle. Naps in the afternoon, good move.

  4. glad you didnt have bad weather. We sure could use some rain here. I don't remember the last time we had rain. I love to hear the pitter patter of rain on the roof of the motor home. Makes for great sleeping. Beautiful door glass!

  5. If you had the Grands with you there wouldn't be many afternoon naps, especially when a pool is nearby, and they get a little older, my two are 8(girl) and 10(boy), Pool time alone starts at noon and goes to 05:00PM. This time of the year Raccoons are very susceptible to distemper, they lose their fear of man and become lethargic and walk like they are drunk,don't want to be bitten when they are sick, the dogs neither.Looks like you are having a great holiday, be safe out there. Sam & Donna...

  6. I always get a little nervous when I hear of hail in the area because of the our flat solar panels on the roof, Sure know about rain, muddy paws, & Motorhome floors alright. Not a good mix. I remember how important those week-end camping trips were to us years ago. It was those week-ends away that kept our RVing dreams alive for the future.

  7. We are loving reading about your "becoming full time" journey!

  8. You were VERY lucky to have not gotten hit by the storm. The reports I've heard have been pretty bad.
    Very hot down here, too, with it predicted to hit 100 today. Yesterday broke the record high by 1 degree over 1911's of 96. I go outside only to go to the grocery, water the peach tree, tomato, and few deck planters we have, otherwise I'm hibernating inside!
    Enjoy the rest of your time camping!

    1. Just saw the weather report for today...ewwwwww we have to run up to Door Co. this afternoon, so will be in the AC in the Tracker. Taking the dogs with us so they are not trapped in the hot motorhome if the power cuts out in the park. (that can happen during peak usage in the mid-afternoon in many campgrounds, don't want to take the risk)

  9. So glad you didn't get hit with the brunt of the storm. But I have a question, did the campground tell you that you couldn't bring the dogs with you to the shelter? Not sure I'd be very happy with that. Full timing - doesn't it feel great to be able to say that and know it's almost here. And let me tell you, since I'm a third wife - I give thanks to the first two every day for not wanting Jim. He's the best that's ever happened to me in my life. So glad the first two were such idiots.

  10. Sandie... they didn't say, but with over 100 sites, most of them tenters, and only one small brick building, I don't imagine our dogs would be too welcome. Ducky shudders and chatters her jaw so rapidly that she sounds like a woodpecker! I don't think I would want to be crammed in elbow to elbow, standing room only, with a bunch of nervous wet dogs either... Yes, Steve is a keeper! and his ex is unhappy grumpy sorrowful gal--- again divorced. Ya think she knows what she missed out on now?

  11. Nothing like a bad storm to make your camping trip exciting. I liked how you planned ahead, right down to the computer back up.

    Your picture of your home looked so nice and inviting. Glad you're almost there. :c)

  12. Having a plan is the best thing so if you need to react your not wondering what your going to do. your picture does look very worming and homey.
    I'm sure steveos glad you've got him to! !


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