Wednesday, January 1, 2025

New Year - and New Energy to Get Back to Blogging!


It's a new year and time to look forward. I know that I've been slack on the blog ever since we kind of wound up our fall camping in November. We've kinda been thru "some stuff" and it's time to get back on track.

We spent New Years Eve sitting by our fireplace and watching some traveling YouTubes.  Sipping on mugs of Tom and Jerry's is a peaceful way to pass the evening. For those who don't know, Tom and Jerry is a eggnog type batter hot drink that you top off with a sprinkling of nutmeg and add a shot of brandy if you wish!

We kind of dozed off before midnight, but I woke up again about 10 minutes to midnight. I was able to roll over a snoozing Steve during the countdown of the last few seconds. One good "smack" at midnight and it was time to go back to sleep.

We woke up to some beautiful snowflakes floating down. It was absolutely gorgeous. I'm going to try to insert a little video clip here : 

We had some unusually warm weather last week which melted all the snow that we had on the ground. It's nice to see things covered again with fresh white new snow. Covers up all the dreary browns and grays.

I left off on my last blog with a couple links of our fall camping. We had finished our big US2 trip by heading east across the rest of the Upper Peninsula and then looping down around Lake Michigan. We added some leveling jacks down in White Pigeon Michigan at Bigfoot. 

 After we arrived home, there was still some nice weather to continue some camping in and around the North woods of Wisconsin. Here is one of our last trips out:

And the very last camping trip of the season was in mid November! 
It was at Morgan Park on Timm's Lake in Marinette County. I'm still working on the YouTube for that....

If you are interested in any of my YouTubes, I had started a new channel this year that's dedicated just to our traveling. It's called RVing: What-A-View on YouTube and here is the link if you care to like and subscribe:

Don't worry, it's non monetized and non-sponsored. Just like my regular old YouTube channel of KarenInTheWoods where I put everything else for the last 17 years: 

I did add a video on that older channel recently of the two of us decorating the exterior of the house. It's in fast forward motion and kind of funny....

But we got it done and it lit up that night. I think it's just beautiful. 
Perfect to get in the mood for the holiday season.

Inside of the house, we had some grandkids come over on Black Friday while their parents were busy doing other Christmasy things. They took care of hauling in all of our boxes and totes from the garage and decorating our home. Full of squeals of delight and of course extra sugar and pizza, they put out all of the decorations. It's cute to hear them remember and reminisce over each one. Building their memories to carry on to their families someday.  I cherish these times when they come over to visit with us. It's great to have them at this age where they still want to do stuff with Grandma and Grandpa. Awwwww.

As we got closer to Christmas, we had our traditional "Cookie Day" together with the grandkids. It's such a special day to me because I get all of the grandkids to myself, without any other outside distractions like presents, other parents, traveling from place to place, and big family celebrations. The cookie day event is just for me and only me. I feel kind of selfish, but I also get all of these cookies decorated and they all go home with a big tote full of their creations. To me, it's more special than Christmas itself. I get a lot of one-on-one with them, plus I also get to hear them interact with each other and joke around and build more memories. 

Ahead of time, I baked 18 dozen plus sugar cutout cookies. I get the baking done ahead of time because it takes quite a while. And that way when the kids come it's only the fun stuff of spreading on all the decorations and having a giggling good time during the entire process. We fill them full of pizza for supper and then get to doing all of the cookies....

It is such a special day for me and I'm glad that they still will pose all together for a photo. Missing are two grandchildren of the bunch, but as many come as they can. Even the oldest, Jameson, who is now 16.

They are all wearing handknit hats that I made for them.

Afterwards, we drive them all through the Winter Wonderland that is set up at our local campground in our city. It's all lit up at night sponsored by various businesses and organizations and private displays. It's quite an event to drive through ---- and we lay down the back seats of our SUV so the kids can roll around and romp in the back end. Its just like we did when we were kids in the back of a station wagon in the 1960's!  Once we are done driving through the display, we stop under a street light and put all the seats back in the upright positions. Then everybody is seat belted back in correctly. But it's just kind of fun to break the rules for a few minutes while we drive slowly through the park. 

Our little town also has two roundabouts. I always make sure that we drive around them in a complete circle loop-de-loop every time on the way there and the way back. It creates a lot of giggles and I hope it's also creating memories.

As for Christmas Eve, we don't like to make demands on the family members to all gather on the exact holiday. Instead we set aside the following Saturday for everyone to meet up at our oldest daughter Erin and husband Waylen's cabin in the woods.

That means Steve and I have a peaceful quiet Christmas Eve alone at home. We put on some soft music and Steve fires up the outdoor propane burner set up with the big kettle and a huge steaming basket. We steamed up snow crab legs for our special Christmas Eve dinner.

Snuggling up by our fireplace, next to the lit up tree, with Christmas carols playing... This is peaceful. We are thankful for everything that we have gone through this year and we are reflecting on our memories. We are also making plans for the future year and what we would like to accomplish.

By the weekend, it was time to load up the SUV and head on up to the kids' cabin. Because the roads are covered with salt and snow and slush we do not drive the motorhome up there. It's best to keep it clean and dry and in the yard waiting for an escape in the future. The cabin is only 45 miles away, so it's a short jaunt over the river and through the woods...

Shrieks of delight 
and laughter 
and fun 
and gifts 
and wrapping paper 
and food 
and presents 
and decorations 
etc etc etc 
This is what a Family Christmas is all about.

Poor Jameson was feeling ill and opted to not spread his germs among the rest of us. We kept in contact with him through the miracle of the internet, and sent him photos and texts throughout the evening so he would feel included.

Grandma got regalated over to the kids table... And I sure didn't mind because they were full of silliness and jokes and memories and talking about fun stuff. They were also sneaking treats to all three of the dogs! 

The grownups sat at the bar, and we had a feast of all the wonderful food that everybody brought. Topped off with a homemade cheesecake by granddaughter Whitney. 

Here is Chef Whitney, my mini mini me, along with our youngest daughter Heather who is my mini me. Lol!

The kids decorate up their cute little cabin in the woods, and host all of us now every year. It's becoming quite a tradition. They have a lot more room than we have in our little house. It's great to gather up there in the northwoods and build more family memories.

We headed on home with smiles on our faces, and love in our hearts. 

Christmas was good this year. At home, my special present was a three-piece camera case. I have gotten a new Panasonic Lumix digital SLR camera for my birthday, and this case will allow me to carry that along with our two GoPros and all the gear and even the laptop for processing as well as the tripod. It can come apart into three pieces and be used separately or put it all together and use it as a backpack. For our upcoming travels this summer, it's going to be very handy! 

Here's a link on Amazon if you are interested: 

The other big thing that I've been working on this year has been a special quilt to put in our motorhome. I collected the fabrics to make this quilt last year from a tiny little quilt shop in Canada called The Buttons Quality Fabric and Yarn Shop just east of Sault ste Marie Canada:

The woodsy themes and natural prints of these fabrics are carefully picked out from the Stonehenge line by Northcott. The name of the quilt pattern is called Winter Solstice. 

Ironically, I finished sewing the quilt on December 21st which WAS the Winter Solstice! That was not planned at all--- here it is out on the bed in the motorhome along with the two little throw pillows that I made to go with it.

The most important part was the tag! My friend Connie has an embroidery machine and made this tag for me. If you read closely, you will see what our upcoming summer travel plans are:



We are still in the planning stages, but we figure it's on our bucket list and we better get it done before it's too late. I did have a bit of a cancer scare this last few months but things are looking good and all contained within the margins from surgical removal. I don't go back for six more months so that should give me the clearance to go and leave for Alaska by May.  

If we don't take the time to do this for ourselves now, when will we ever do it? 

We are watching a lot of YouTubes of different RVers who are traveling throughout Canada and into Alaska. We are taking copious notes and adding a lot of interesting boondocking spots to our maps. We have The Milepost book for planning from 2024. We will buy the newest version in 2025 as soon as it's available in print.

We hope you all follow along and I want to try to blog every night while we are traveling. Because we have the Starlink, we should have internet access wherever we go. They may be short blogs, they may be long blogs. Who knows? But I will also follow up with videos on the YouTube channel that I made specifically for traveling. 

Please join us for this upcoming adventure??


In the meantime, while we are still at home, we are getting a few things done around the house.  We spend the majority of our time down here in this addition room called The She Shed. It really was an attached garage and mud room to our old farmhouse. Steve and I made it this way to contain all of my weaving, quilting, sewing and knitting stuff. 

I have about 10 of these handwoven sample panels of shaft switching and twill weaving from classes that I took from Jason Collingwood over the years. Steve asked what was I going to do with them? I used to have them hanging on the walls in our last few homes, but never got around to hanging any in this one.

Out came the ladder and the laser level. In no time at all, he had four of them hung up on the wall in my She Shed.

What a guy. He sure makes me smile.

We are not sure about taking any trips this winter. We still have doctor appointments and a dentist appointment to finish up during the month of January. Then of course, the dreaded property taxes are due. Once these things are all taken care of, maybe we can see our way clear to taking off in February and March to go south somewhere warmer.

But we are not sure, maybe we will just save our pennies and stay home.

Nicholas thinks staying home on the couch in the She Shed is not such a bad idea either...

Stay tuned, and maybe you will see what we figure out what to do next???

Thanks for sticking with us. 


  1. First and foremost, we want to wish your entire family a Safe, Healthy and Happy New Year.
    Wishing we could be there to celebrate with you, but with changing times on both sides of the border, we just have to wait it out.
    Between being on the road, visiting with family, especially the grands, you still don't stop with all the projects.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy planning the big adventure.

    It's about time.

  2. (I will try this again, I had typos in the last one)
    Thanks for the New Year wishes. Same to you and yours. Thank you for hanging in with us even when I took such a long break.
    We are always finding projects no matter what. Lol. And I'm sure while we are on the road, we will find a couple too. In an upcoming blog, I will be posting about the new wiring we are putting in to run DC to DC for our Starlink dish. Steve has a wall torn apart in our motorhome right now! Just waiting for parts that he ordered to put it all together.

  3. I am so excited about you all going to Alaska! I've been there twice and love it. I've always thought it would be great to drive there. So I will live it thru your adventure. Can't wait!!!

    1. Thanks! We are really looking forward to going at our leisure and taking our time. I have not been there, and Steve was there once on a quick inland passage cruise with his dad and brother. Their ship malfunctioned (they got shipwrecked and marooned!) so their actual day excursion visits on the land itself were delayed and cancelled.

  4. Happy New Year to you and your family! I miss your blog and am glad you’re back. Your trip to Alaska sound like a wonderful idea. We are from Ontario and winter in Florida our days are nice and warm and last night it was down to 54 great for sleeping. Janet

  5. I love that I can look at picture of your grandkids and name all of them. What a great family you have!
    I hope your new year is wonderful with no more cancer scares. (My removal last year was as complete as yours so good for both of us.)
    Linda Sand

    1. Linda, you have been watching them grow up over the years, so many years! Glad your removal was complete too. Good to have checkups though to be sure. Thanks for reading!

  6. Congrats on the good news about your cancer scare. May it continue to be good news. Looking forward to your Alaska trip. It sounds like fun. Family Christmas memories are the best. Take care of yourself and Steve.

    1. Thank you so much. Had 5 questionable spots. 2 turned bad. The rest are doing good. Did chemo cream on one on the nose, and had surgery on the tumor on the back. Hopefully all good margins and gone gone gone!

  7. What we found very helpful when we went to Alaska in 2016 was Mike Church’s book “Traveler’s Guide to Alaskan Camping.” We forgot our copy of the Milestone at home and did fine without it. Can’t wait to follow along on your adventures.
    ~ Marsha (Michigan)

    1. That sounds like a good one, we will see about ordering it. We also have one by Mason Drive that has a lot of history too.


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