Sunday, January 5, 2025

Family Epic Bowling Day 2025

Every year, as a Christmas treat to our grandchildren, we have our "Epic Bowling Day".

It's kind of a nice way to gather after the holidays and do something special with the grandkids. Of course the parents are invited along too! 

We start out at noon with a meal. The last few years they have all chosen unanimously to go to Los Maguyes Restaurant here in Oconto. It's become a family favorite. We have never ever had a bad meal or bad service there. They easily accommodated our reservation for 11 people.

We went a little early to get ready and make sure our table is set up in place. The staff has to squeeze together three tables to fit. But it works! Steve asked if I would like a picture of myself on our happy day.

So I took one of him too before everybody got there. We are the host and hostess!

Soon the family was gathered, with drinks of our choice, and appetizers to go around. It was nice to catch up after all of the busy holidays.

Soon our food arrived, each plate exactly what we ordered. We really enjoy the authentic Mexican cuisine. Everybody has their favorites. And Little Whitney got triple cheese just like she asked on top of her meal.

An upcoming birthday for Chelsea was celebrated with the traditional wearing of the sombrero while the staff and music blasted out Happy Birthday to her. They top it off with a delightful sopapilla that she can share with everyone all around the table.

Yup, we totally embarrassed her. 

After everyone's bellies were full, it was time to crawl back into our vehicles and drive the few blocks over to the local bowling alley. It's called The Good Place. And it really is! It is family oriented establishment with bowling, games, and a bar with beverages and snacks and pizza. Even off to one side are the owners two dogs who get a lot of attention and petting and love from the patrons.

Bowling shoes were donned, balls were picked out, and everyone got on deck with the two lanes that we had reserved. 

Claire was wearing her lucky bowling headband that her sister made for her a few years ago, just to wear on our epic bowling day.

On the grandkids alley, Clayton took the highest honors on the first game, with Chelsea close behind. It really didn't matter who won or lost, because we are having fun all around. Of course, they could play as many games as they wanted.

Clayton is emulating his Grandpa, but actually, his is really Baumeisters root beer! 

Even our oldest grandson, Jameson, had fun competing with the younger kids and challenging his parents too. It was fun as we compared scores cross alleys, to see who was beating who even if they weren't bowling on the same alley.

Good natured taunting and teasing, ribbing and laughing. It sure was great to see everyone so happy.

Being together as a family is what it was all about.  It was a very cold windy day outside. But inside of the bowling alley we were cozy warm and could ignore the Wisconsin winter weather for a few hours.

Just look at those smiles, you can see how much fun this was. I am so glad that we put together this day as a special holiday present to everyone.

Grins & giggles, hugs and high fives.

The two littlest munchkins kept us in stitches. They would take turns helping each other bowl and push the ball down the alley together in coordinated effort. 

Whitney also brought some headbands and said I had to wear one too. Didn't matter if it messed up my hair or not, I was "One of the Girls".

After we were done bowling our last games, the accommodating owner, Michelle, took this family photo for us. CHHEEEEZZZZ!

And right before we left, one of the girls' favorite songs came on the sound system. They hopped into this impromptu dance along with our youngest daughter Heather:

Silly gooses!

I promise that our next blog post is going to be something about the motorhome, and not just family stuff! 


  1. Your blog is just great, no matter what you're talking about from motorhomes,home renovations, quilting, or following

  2. Always nice to see Family Get-Togethers and everyone having fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy staying warm.

    It's about time.

    1. With more cold to come, we have to honkey down yet till the end of this month. Doc and dentist appointments.

  3. What a great day for the kids and grands and grandparents....wonderful tradition.

    1. We hope to keep it up every year. As long as they want to go....

  4. looks like you all had a great time. We will all enjoy your blog no matter what you write about. Thank you for taking us all along for the ride.

  5. As others have said no matter what you blog about we love it.


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