Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Weekend at Home, GoPro Fun, and Heading Out Camping Again

I left off with last week's blog about heading home from Governor Thompson State Park. We had to head on home and get there before 4:00 p.m. We were told there was a special sale going on and that we got the "grandparent discount" if we could get there before they closed!!!

It was worth it, for sure. We also tipped them very well. 

In a way, we were glad that we came home, because the weekend was going to be all rain anyhow. Sure enough, Saturday morning we woke up to dark skies and rain. 

The weather over the weekend was pretty miserable, on and off all day and overnight. Windy rainy stormy and just all over yucky.

I had mentioned in my last blog or two that I've been playing around with a used older GoPro camera. I am learning more and more, and realized that I needed an external microphone with a wind muff to help on my recordings. Especially when I was aiming out of the motorhome window as we drove through parks or interesting places.

The young man that was helping me with this Go Pro"mod" device that I was buying from him, suggested this product. It's called a Purple Panda microphone and he said it was the best one for its value to use with GoPro, or even cell phones to help cut down wind noise.

I found one on Amazon: 

It came in the mail and I was able to fiddle around with it a little bit. I'm learning more and more from the GoPro Quik website. They have a little program in there app that I can just download a bunch of short clips. It arranges them into a video and adds music for me. 

Here is one of my newest creations, just about flowers around in my yard:

On Sunday, Steve decided to get some motorhome maintenance done. It's a necessary thing to keep our motorhome in tip top shape. 

This time it was the EGR valve. It needs to be cleaned about every 40 to 50,000 miles. It is very, very expensive to replace with a new one. So it's best to keep the other one cleaned up and operational. It also helps with improved fuel mileage, and better pick up and get up and go! 

So I used my GoPro to film what he was doing step by step and put it on my YouTube channel:

On Monday, we were looking at the weather report and things were looking pretty good for the entire week. 

I had it in my mind to head up north to a campground along the lake shore. It's located on the baywaters of Green Bay where they lead out into Lake Michigan. There are four really nice campgrounds in a row on M35 between Menominee and Escanaba in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. 

It's only about 45 miles from our house, so we decided to take a buzz up to Fox Park and just check out the sites. It said that there were five or six of them open on the reservable website. We thought we would also check out how bad the mosquitoes were at the same time. 

We got up there and things were pretty good. So we got online and reserved campsite number 5 for the week. Yayyyyy!!!

On our way back through Menominee Michigan, there was a sale at Ace Hardware that Steve had been keeping an eye on. It was for the Stihl brand weed wacker that operates from the same batteries that he also uses for his leaf blower and chainsaw. Happy Father's Day to Steve! 

We headed on home and loaded up the motorhome. We had reserved four nights so we were going to take a chance on the weather. Tossed in the dogs, some food, and my GoPro. Things looked pretty good on the weather app, so off we went.

My next blog will be a campground review about our waterfront site at Fox Park near Cedar River Michigan. Here is a teaser for right now....


1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful sunset. Enjoy your stay Janet🇨🇦


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