Sunday, December 31, 2017

Mirror Mirror on the Wall and Merry Christmas Day

Who is the fairest of them all? Hmmmmmm

As soon as I got home from a babysitting trip up north, Steve was mounting the medicine cabinet mirror that our son Dan ordered for us. He works at a commercial glass place and got us a bevelled mirror cut to size.

I think Steve is the fairest of them all! 

Underneath the medicine cabinet, to one side over the sink, we also mounted some glass shelf brackets. Previously there had been a smaller glass shelf in that place, so we reused those brackets.  I found a larger glass shelf in the basement on top of the paint cabinet in my workroom.  Perfect!   (it pays to ask the sellers to leave behind anything they don't want and we decided if we wanted to keep or reuse those items)

The shelf is for our most used things that we liked to keep up over the sink.  Steve isn't too keen on it, but I think it kinda looks old fashioned.

So our gift was all new beadboard,
 trim and baseboard. 
A recycled medicine cabinet and new mirror.
Lace adhered to the window for privacy.
We added a handwoven rug from my friend Juanita that matches well.

As Steve says:
"So there ya have it"  
meaning our bathroom facelift 
Christmas Gift to each other is 

Incidentally, it has now been FIVE years since we bought Our Old House. The anniversary of our closing was 2 days ago, and here is an old blog post about our house purchase: We Moved Blog

Our Christmas was busy busy busy as you can imagine.  We managed to spend Christmas Eve alone at home and made steamed snow crab legs for dinner and had a peaceful evening by the fireplace.  The dogs snuggled up and we enjoyed some good reminiscing about all we have done in our 22+ years together.

On Christmas Day, we travelled down to Belgium for a family celebration with Steve's dad and siblings.  It was a lovely but very very cold day!  Steve's sister Lynn hosted and we were treated to a nice meal and we brought desserts (of which some were the Christmas cookies the grandkids decorated)

On Tuesday, I trekked up to Oconto to babysit for a few of the grandkids because their day care was closed for the holiday weekend.  It was a long long cold day. Steve and his brothers helped his dad move more garage stuff up to the house in Sister Bay, while I was with the grandtots cozy and warm!

It is so much fun to watch the older ones be so thoughtful and careful of their little sister.  And little Claire tries so hard to keep up with the big kids. She wants to be big too! Don''t grow up too fast, little one. You are the last wee grandbaby we will have and we want to keep you as small for as long as possible!

While little Claire napped, we worked on a gingerbread house from a creative kit, and had a lot of fun with stories, snuggles and giggles. 

As you know, the weather is not very nice
the subzero temps are horrible
and our wind chills have been in the 20 to 30 BELOW range. 

It's now New Years Eve, and we just had a long busy weekend up north with all of our kids and grandkids and dogs and grandpuppies!  It was a hectic crazy fun filled visit with lots of silliness, gifts, food and love!  I will do another blog post about that, because I think we are worn out.  We came home and napped and watched the last Packer game of the season ... and are staying in and safe and sound to ring in the New Year. 

Please everyone, stay safe and may your
 New Year
 be bright and beautiful! 


  1. Your weather sounds like ours...high temp today was -4, supposed to be -18 tonight. Add wind chill to that and brrrrrr! We'll get our babysitting duties between Jan. & Apr. 15th. Our daughter-in-law is a CPA & that is tax season. She will be working long hours & our son works 12 hr. shifts, switching from days to nights. It can get complicated with daycare and preschool hours. The whole family has to pitch in to take care of the little ones, including grandparents, aunts, uncles and older cousins. We've stayed in this New Year's Eve's just too cold to be out running around. Happy New Year to you and Steve.

  2. WOW your weather is.... beyond cold. You have been very busy. Your bathroom is gorgeous and fits in so perfect with the rest of the house. Stay warm.
    Happy New Year

  3. Staying hime is the BEST way to ring in the new year!

  4. Another great job to "Your Old House" shows the love you put into it.
    Always fun doing things with the Grands.
    Stay Warm and Safe no use going out if you don't need to.
    Wishing your entire Family a Healthy, Happy and Prosperous New Year.

    It's about time.


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