Friday, December 2, 2016

It Is Finally December

Now that it has turned into December, it is time to start hauling out Christmas decorations!  I love the holiday and have saved a lot of special things over the years.  During the sale of our home 4 years ago, some special things went in a steamer trunk that we stored at our sons house. Other items the girls squirreled away for me, in case we were going to buy another house instead of living in the motorhome.  I am so glad they did!

One of the newest items I acquired about two years ago from daughter Heather, soninlaw Jesse and their son Jameson.  The dogs eagerly awaited it to get unpacked.....

Here are two wild dogs killing a reindeer video:

heh heh heh

In yesterday's blog, I wrote about stopping at a thrift shop...  one of the things I found were these two HUGE ziplock carry bags FULL of pretty amber, rust, copper, lime, burgundy and gold ornaments!~  They were half price, so I got all of them for only $5.00.  Wheeeeeeee   Last year I had done all gold stuff, but this year I was hoping for something different.  And this is just what I wanted at a price I could afford. 
Both bags were full when I started to decorate...

I strung a pine garland across the mantle,
and stacked a bunch of the ornaments on top. 
I just LOVE these colors! 

I added some to the tree, 
which is mostly family momento type ornaments. 
I can put on a lot more yet....

My sister made these straw hat reindeeer about 20 years ago for us
My mom made the sheepies on canning lids with cinnamon stick legs

 The German pull toy came from a rummage sale 
but the flash cube ornament was made by my Auntie Lois 30+ years ago! 

I added a few more ornaments to the platter under my 
cut work Christmas Tree... 
It is all the figures from The Twelve Days of Christmas/
 a fellow weaving buddy cut that all out with an exacto knife! 

The foyer is done up with sparkley snowflakes from each step
and the tin Dr. Suess Tree is on the pedestal,
with the teddy bear and story book in the sleigh.

Tomorrow after Allegra's 7th birthday party, our granddaughters Allegra and Chelsea are coming over to help me set up my Christmas village. I think this year we will clear out the china hutch and set it up on all of the glass shelves in the cabinet with the lights inside. I saw it on pinterest and thought it might be a good place for it this year. Instead of taking up the whole top of my buffet and the lamp table in the bay window. 

It is definitely feeling Christmas-y around here. 
We could use some snow though. 

I think a fire in the fireplace tonight would be just about perfect. 

I am feeling a bit cold and sinusy...
 hoping a fire, a mug of cocoa and some music 
to help ward off a sick cold.


  1. Flash cube ornaments! I remember those! That, in turn, reminded me of our daughter making a Pringles can scene lit by a candle. Isn't it wonderful how one family's memories can spark another's memories?!

  2. Love your tree! Beautiful! I think just about everyone I know, east coast or west coast, is going through a cold/sinus issue. Sinus for me. 2 weeks now. Blah! Hope you nip it in the bud.


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