Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Levy Co Quilt Museum and Suwannee Valley Quilt Shop Day

Yesterday, it was time for us gals to have another "Girls Day Out"....   we started the day with blueberry muffins and fresh ground coffee.  Yummmmmm

Once Auntie Lois was ready to roll after her church duties, we gals hopped in the car and headed out to a rural location between Bronson and Chiefland, FL.   Paula's husband Mel came along in his car to see the first stop, but then went back to the house to keep Steve company for the rest of the day.  Steve was back at mom's house to deal with some auto buyers coming over for mom's truck.

Mom and I had been to this museum once before, but Auntie Lois and Paula wanted to check it out....  it's called The Levy County Quilt Museum  and here is their link and facebook page:

It is located only a few miles off a major highway, and is situated in a sweet log cabin in a rural location.  The porch has ample swings, chairs and tables for the non-quilting spouses to hang out and relax while the quilter aficionados are able to explore to their heart's delight.

We took the obligatory photo pose on the front porch, 
courtesy of Mel being the photographer.  

They have a big map on the wall with pushpins to place in your hometown, so they know where their visitors come from. Notice all around the top eaves of the log cabin, there are historic members quilt blocks of real fabric covered in frames of plexiglass for display.

Once we got inside and signed the guestbook, we went in four different directions to explore.  The museum has old things, new things, and things for sale!  Lovely old machines, sweet darling craft items, and even fabric pieces to buy to help support the museum (no admission fee but there is a donation box)  There are finished quilts for sale of all sizes, types, and colors.  Tops of quilts that have been pieced and sewn are also for sale. Mom bought six things for the grandtots, but I can not post them here until they get them when we go back home.

Here are some pics of the things we enjoyed: 

I just loved looking at all these old sewing machines.  I sew a lot of my quilt blocks on my old treadle machine, and also I hem my rugs on the old electric Singer that I got from my Grandma Groop.

 The building is huge with a lot of display cases, 
quilt racks and interesting handmade items for sale.

Even for the non-quilter craftsmen, there are a variety of things on display like these model log cabins and some small pieces of hand made furniture.

Other fiber arts are also displayed.  Here was a wonderful old spinning wheel
in front of a case of textile items, tools and implements. 

I especially enjoyed seeing this old jacquard woven coverlet.  The preservation of these old textiles is important so people can appreciate them.  Although it's hung on a wall in an open air display, at least it is not stuffed in a drawer or closet somewhere.  I bet the weavers from long ago would be proud that people can admire their work to this day.

We really liked the display cases of items as well as browsing the shop for things for sale. I got a lot of ideas of quilting designs and patterns.  I took some time to sit and chat with a volunteer at the front desk who told me a lot about the museum, the gals who come there, and she even invited us back to take part in their meetings!

The far west side of the building is a large classroom area.  The gals there joked about these ladies being snowbirds held captive to work and sew in the room and not allowed to leave or go back home!

The far side of the classroom area had fabric for sale, and we all found something to bring back home. I got a stack of some lovely dark rich jewel toned fabrics that will be nice to work with.  Stash Enhancement!

While we shopped, Paula's husband Mel found a comfy spot by the fireplace.  That couch is really cool and covered in a quilted theme too.  I think a lot of spouses end up there or out on the front porch.  Smart museum staff to supply sitting spots for patient partners.  LOL

Mel was looking at maps of other things to do in the area.

We said our goodbyes and sent Mel on his way back to my Mom's house.  Steve and he would keep themselves occupied while we four gals drove further north and east to the Suwannee Valley Quilt Shop in Trenton, FL.

Section after section, room after room was filled with bolts of fabrics, notions, books, tools and even a big cage with a parrot who whistled and cawed to the customers.  We went our separate ways and found things we needed, didn't need, and wanted and bought!!!

 The fabrics were amazing and we really enjoyed the decor and displays of this wonderful shop.

They also had a soda fountain for ice creams and drinks...
and a cafe with indoor and outdoor seating.
We had a nice girly girl lunch and coerced the waitress to snap our pic! 

We wandered on home... and I took a nap!  I think Mom and Auntie Lois were still raring to go go go!~   They wear us youngin's out, for sure.  LOL ....  

Paula made a nice ham dinner with all the fixens and we hit the motorhomes out back early to get some rest.  Today is another day of adventure, we will see what it brings!


  1. Crikey ..... Mum sure would have liked to be there with you. We have one of those quilt places near where we live but compared to that one it's miniscule. No comparison at all really. Mum's got a few eye problems at the moment so we are a bit quiet but we'll be back.

  2. What great shops I wouldn't mind strolling through either of them. I have the portable singer with the wooden case it works beautifully.

  3. What an excellent day out! Both the Museum and the Quilt Shop look really nice!!


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