Friday, November 6, 2015

Thank You for Asking - We are Still Here

Thank You.

So many of you sweet readers have been contacting me, asking
What is up? 
Why haven't I been blogging? 
What is going on with the family?

Well.  Call it sad. Call it depressing. Call it coping and trying to keep busy.  Call it whatever.

Our only light is that little grandtot Whitney is doing well, and gaining weight, cooing, smiling and I am going to see her tomorrow!

The newest burden placed on our hearts is that our seventh grandchild on the way was not meant to be.  It breaks our heart to know this wee one won't be born.  This is the second time that has happened now in our family, and I feel such ache inside my gut for the two grandchildren we will never know. I am choking back the tears even as I write this.

Our son-in-law says it best in this heart-wrenching post about their wee child that was on the way:

On the parent front, my dad is slowly losing weight and the cancer is taking more and more of a toll on him.  I am trying to get up there as often as I can, and handling all his crazy bills, doc stuff, hospice and grocery shopping.  It's 240 miles round trip each time I go.  Thank goodness for flat rate shipping boxes, I can often pick up things he needs here in my town, ship them out and he gets them the next day!   His elderly cat Issaiah is also on it's last days, and the cat wanted to go outside. It has not come back and he can not find it.  Even his hospice nurses helped him look.  My dad feels it left to go find a place to die.  Kinda foreboding on his own health situation.

Goodbye Isaiah, you crabby old cat. 

On top of all that sadness, my step father Lowell, from Florida, is doing very poorly.  It is most likely pancreatic cancer.  More tests are being done.  He gave up on the Florida doctors at the VA who were dinking around and messing up appointments and taking forever.  Instead he bought extra health insurance coverage and he and my mom went up to Ohio.  My stepsister Tanya has taken them under her wing to get him to see better doctors and go to the big clinic in Toledo.  Some tests were done, and more are to come.  So in the meantime, my parents decided to just rent an apartment up there nearby so as to not impose too much on Tanya.  She is doing all the running and paperwork and planning for them, bless her heart.  We are going to see if we can get down there in a week or so to help out too. 

So that is what is going on.  I will try to write some happier posts in the future. 

One bright note, we have had unusually warm weather in Wisconsin for November.  I made this little video clip while sitting out on the front porch.....


  1. We'll be keeping you all in our prayers.

    It's about time.

  2. I am so sorry for all the heartache that you are having to endure. It seems like sometimes when it rains it pours. I lost my mother and all of her siblings within a six month period. It was such a shock. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. I am so sorry for this time of such sadness in your life. Know that I am asking the Lord to bless you and give you peace.

  4. I am so sorry to read of your sadness, Life can be so difficult at times because you care so deeply. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  5. Sorry to read this, what was meant to be was meant to be. You and your family are in a lot folks thoughts and prayers.

  6. Keeping you all in my deepest thoughts through these sad times.

  7. Karen, my heart goes out to you. I lost my oldest grandson at 7 months, and his twin sister was stillborn. I still get tears in my eyes when I think of him - I never got to hold him.

    No one can figure out why those things happen, but one can only hope there is a reason and that good can come of it. Hang in there as it does get a little easier, even though the hurt is always there.

  8. So sorry to read about this hard time. Do what you can, and tell everyone you love them. Don't forget the ones who are well. Find a smile if you cn.

  9. So glad to hear the baby is doing well but sad to hear all the other "bad" stuff happening. Will keep you and family in my thoughts and prayers.

  10. Ohhh, Karen & Steve, we're so sorry to hear of the loss of your grand baby. You & your family are in our hearts. I think we're at the age when our parents are becoming more frail & need all the help we can give them. Warm blessings to you, your sister-in-law & all those who care for them. I had already read the post on your floor, Karen. It looks absolutely gorgeous--you guys have done strong work on your entire house & this lovely room in particular.

    We're going to be headed south earlier this year--the goal is to leave the first full week in December. The kids are coming here for 'Christmas' & we'll hit the road shortly after. It's been a cold dreary fall here & Jim can't wait for all the leaves to fall so we can head for warmer weather.

    Take good care--hugs to you both.


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