Thursday, June 11, 2015

Showers and Showers??

Showers .... and more showers!

Sunday our youngest daughter, Heather, was honored with a baby shower!  She is expecting our newest granddaughter in August and her mom-in-law and sis-in-law hosted her a baby shower for the upcoming bundle of joy.

It's been almost 7 years since Jameson was born, and they had long ago given up on having another child. She had given away all of her baby things, not thinking they could ever have another. But voila, new little baby girl Wade is on the way.....  and she needed to gear up for the wee one.  The proposed name is Whitney Wade, which is the WW Wonder Woman symbol.  Awwwwww

Jameson is so looking forward to his new baby sister... 

The weather wasn't quite cooporating for the planned outdoor shower in the yard, but we did fine decorating up the garage and setting out all the cutesy girly girl stuff!

Games and prizes
Good food and cake
Silly stuff and stories
and we made the best of a rainy day....

We even set up a table with all the grandtots to join up together
and they got into the fun games ... we even had prizes geared towards them too.

One of Heather's good friends from school is also preggers,
about a week apart.  
So they HAD to do a Baby Belly Bump!

Interesting item... about 6 or 7 of the gals who all graduated together back in 2003
are now all 30 and pregnant and due in about the same time! 

Well---- on to more showers:

Tonight and tomorrow we are under "flood warnings" in our part of Wisconsin.  It's been raining steadily since noon, and pretty much not going to let up until sometime tomorrow.  I guess we are due for about 2-3 inches in our area.  Our home is located on high ground, far from the river in town. But I do feel worry and concern for those closer along the river banks.

While it was raining, I took a drive over to Manitowoc this morning and picked up more scalloped edging for the side yard.  We have it across the front flower beds and around the cherry tree....  and now I bought enough on sale to finish down the side along the sidewalk to the back corner.

Once I get the scalloped edging down, we will finally be able to spread the black (food colored dyed) mulch.  It looks so nice against the green plants, coleus, and burgundy barberry bushes.   It will be nice to get this area cleaned up and looking spiffy!  Now that most of the those danged helicopters are done falling and making such a mess.

Yesterday, I had an unpleasant surprise with my pretty flowers up in the front yard under the weeping cherry tree.  Seems a certain someone got too vigorous with the airborne particles of the Weed N Feed in the sprayer???  

Ahem.... he did sheepishly admit that perhaps it did happen to get on the blossoms.  I would prefer that he doesn't spray ANY weedkiller on the lawn at all. As it is, I have to keep the dogs off it for 2 days afterwards.  I think that the drop spreader pelleted kind would suffice, but oh well. Since when does a guy listen to his wife about the lawn? 

We went back to the green house and got more red and white impatiens plants.  He dug out the old dirt (and dead plants) and I sprinkled some lime down on the base.  We filled the ring up with new fresh dirt and put in the new plants.  Let's hope with all this rain they will get a good start..... and not get drowned! 

On my way back from Manitowoc, I stopped at a rummage sale. Just to see, ya know. Lo and behold, there was a cute little rattan ottoman.  Three bucks! 

I picked it up to match the rattan couch that I painted and put on the front porch!  Steve was just saying last night that putting his feet up on the bench is too high and it's too hard on his heels. His knees are almost bent backwards by raising the feet so high. A little ottoman would fit the bill. 

I sprayed the frame white, and while it was drying, I sewed a cover for the cushion with matching fabric from doing the couch and pillows.  There... now it's more of a comfortable height for resting feet on.  I moved the white bench to the side as a table and place to rest our coffee cups. 

 Now who is going to come and sip coffee or lemonade on my porch?

The other day, I also covered the cushion on the old white rocking chair.  It used to belong to the people who owned our house before.  Their daughter gave it back to me to keep in the house as she didn't have a space for it at her home.  I gladly took it and put it right on the porch where it "belonged"

You are probably sick of seeing all the steps 
bit by bit putting this porch together. 

Now it's done! 

Wonder what we are going to work on next
at Our Old House???


  1. I just love your porch (and your whole house!) and don't mind at all seeing the steps. It'll be even nicer than it was last year, and more comfortable. It's just beautiful. :)

  2. What a great find and great price too. I don't mind on bit that you show the steps. Just love a good porch and your's is great

  3. Replies
    1. Oh my no! This house is a "Keeper" plus we can live here a LOT cheaper than staying a month in a campground. So it's a great home base, and we can travel at will once Steve retires, but still have a place to come back to for visiting the grandtots, and keeping all my fiber gear in some semblance of order!~ LOL The mortgage, taxes and insurance on this place are less than paying $20 a night at a campground. So as long as our motorhome is parked in the yard instead of a storage place, we are ahead of the game.


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