Monday, February 23, 2015

SNOW????? Geesh! And RV Friends Merikay and Craig

Our wonderful RV pals Merikay and Craig pulled in about 1 pm on Sunday.  We were debating if we should pull up stakes and move off the point and go up into the electric campsites next to them. Or should we stay down on the point as they were game to try boondocking for a few days?  Well, we went up to the sites when we found two nice pull-throughs next to each other. For only $14 a night with 50amp electric, water and free WiFi, we can't complain.

Steve was busy dumping our holding tanks while Merikay and Craig got settled in their campsite.  They have a 2007 Alfa See Ya motorhome and pull a Jeep.  Their blog is:  We pulled our rig into the site next to them and got all set up.

We are pretty glad we did-- more about that later!

Steve also noticed a big oily spot under our rig just after we leveled off in our campsite.  Rut Roh!  Breakdown again!   Brake fluid line seems to have broken leading up to a front wheel.  Good thing we are near a large enough town to get parts.  Steve blamed me because I was driving the motorhome up on blocks to level it and he said I stomped on the brake pedal too hard!  Well, better that it breaks here in a park rather than in the middle of some mountain descent, right????

We sat out in our lawn chairs in T shirts and capris and relaxed and enjoyed the lovely warm weather.  (remember that part!)

Merikay and Craig said they had some good Wisconsin Bratwurst to treat us for dinner, and we brought over some tater salad and pasta salad.  It was good to sit and compare stories and travels and RV stuff since we saw them last summer.

We did the obligatory photos across the table of each other.... 

and they took one of us.... getting pretty shined up here I think?

OH we did follow up the meal with a wonderful Key Lime Pie! 

Four bottles of wine later, it was  time to toddle on home to our own motorhome.... let out our doggers and hit the sack.

About 2 am I heard this familiar sound on the roof... hmmm it wasn't rain. Nope.  It was sleeting ice particles pinging down.  Then it was silent.  You KNOW what that means??? Yup, the temps dropped and the rain changed over to SNOW!  The weathermen never mentioned this, it was only supposed to drop down to 40 overnight.  When I looked at 7 am it was 24 degrees!

This is what we woke up to:

Remember those lawn chairs???  My lawn chairs have NEVER had snow on them!  We always put them away before rain or bad weather.  Guess it might have had something to do with those four bottles of wine, eh?

I made up a breakfast bake pan to bring over for our morning gab session.  Here is the recipe....  (click on photo to enlarge if you need to)

We hung out till about noon in their rig, waiting for the snow to melt.  The weathermen promised 55 today, but it never got that high.  Even now at 4 pm, it's only 40 degrees and the snow is starting to finally melt.

I whipped up a pan of chicken alfredo lasagna and another pan of regular italian lasagna for dinner tonight and will be popping them in the oven as soon as I am done typing this.

It was a good choice to move up to the campground after all.  Kinda nice to be up on the electric sites for these cold brrrrr days!


  1. It has been really nice to be side by side with good RV Pals for a couple of days. We can go back to being more virtuous when we are all back on our own. The ride around was interesting. We think we will be back here next fall when we spend some time in New Mexico. Can't beat $14 for a hook up pull thru.

  2. Not surprised you got snowed on in New Mexico. While at Poncho Villa State Park in Columbus only 3 miles from the Mexican border we were snowed on back in early 07. I remember RV Sue getting snowed on in Truth Or time. But that's Okay cause we've been snowed on twice while Ranch sitting years ago near McNeal Arizona & twice so far here in Congress. Good thing you guys have your home made wooly socks with you..................

  3. We're at Caballo S.P and it was cold today but no snow. We spent the winter going back and forth between Caballo and Elephant Butte-mostly Elephant Butte. We bought the pass so $4 a night for water and electric is hard to beat. We were going to head back to EB today but I'm glad we waited. Elephant Butte State Park is my favorite campground, too, but we never stay at the main campground, we stay at the Monticello Point portion about 10 miles north of where you are. You should check it out sometime-it's beautiful there and much more private than the main park.

    I just can't believe how much snow you got considering we only got rain. I love the desert in the snow. That's the second time this winter Elephant Butte got snow.

  4. We share your goosebumps. Had some snow yesterday and today here in Carlsbad. Not warming up that much in the next couple days and more snow on the way Friday. We may leave early and head for the western side of NM.

  5. We found New Mexico to be way too cool this time for year for our liking. We too loved Elephant Butte but it was just not warm enough--we come south to be warm, not snowed on don't we!!! But, we too are much cooler here at North Ranch--80 degrees last week, 55 yesterday! Oh, well, it is winter isn't it and our weather in AZ is much better than Montana or Wisconsin!

  6. Snow??? That is wrong in so many ways! So much for heading south to escape it... ;c)

  7. You seem to be able to roll with the punches and enjoy yourselves no matter what. I always enjoy reading about our traveling/RVing families meeting up.

  8. We keep telling the northern states and Canada to keep their cold weather up there where it belongs....we sure don't want it. lol


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