Sunday, May 18, 2014

Our Old House - the rest of the window air conditioner installation

Well, it's Sunday night and we are both totally worn out after grandtots all weekend and then some gardening work this evening after supper.  Whew... but I am still going to do part of the blog.  I will do one tomorrow on the grandtots --- forewarned is forarmed?

As for the air conditioner, Steveio unpacked it and carried it upstairs.  We just started the installation when the grandtots arrived... so they got to "HELP" us!  LOL

Were they ever tickled pink to see their Grandfaddah crawl OUT of the upstairs bedroom window and out onto the roof!!!   Of course they watched from the safety of the middle of our bed, and were not allowed near the open window.

Grandfaddah had to get out there on the roof over the front porch to unstick the outside storm window so we could install the air conditioner from the inside.  It's not too steep of a roof, and he can easily walk upright on it.  I leaned out the window to snap this pic.

 (what a hard working guy... and cute butt too if I say so myself!) 

Once he was able to cut around the whole storm window through some silicone sealant.... Then he removed that outer storm window.  We have the inside panes of glass "frosted" for our privacy when changing clothes in the walk-in closet.

Now the outside surface of the inner window was painted tight to the sill... so he had to score around that with a utility knife to cut that open... and finally we could slide the window upwards.... ewwww look at all those years of old stuff between the two windows to clean out!

While he was out there, I had him clean a layer of mossy spots of some kind of mold off the rain gutter too.  It came right off and looked soooo much better once he did it.

Now it was time for him to come back inside and get some expert direction from his two supervisors and one top boss dog.  They told him how to put the unit in place, and they marveled at how strong their Granfaddah is! He is their Hero, to be sure. Mine too!

Later we took a walk with the grandtots to the park, and on the way back I snapped a few shots of the outside of the house.  Putting the air conditioner over in the left top window sure looks a lot better than on one of the bedroom windows on the right... in my opinion.  I like it ---
 (Steve was putting out our flag---- 
and that is my weeping cherry in the front yard that is getting ready to bloom soon!) 

Hmmmm now that he cleaned that rain gutter along the top of that little section, 
next he needs to do the one further down along the front porch, dontcha think? 

Here is the view from the inside of our closet... the air will come out of the unit and hit the open door directly across from it.  It can be set on an angle to direct the air.  This will help drive the cooling flow into our bedroom to cool down on those horrible hot humid nights we seem to get for a week or two in Wisconsin.  

Now we won't have to overwork the main central air unit all night long just to keep one room comfortable.  When there are only two of us, why cool the entire house all night?  I am sure it will help on the electric bill too.

Well, it's almost 10 pm.  Steve has already headed to bed, and I am soon to follow in his footsteps.  The house seems strangely quiet without two little grandtots here filling it up with shouts and laughter.  The dogs keep looking for the kids... and I can hear their doggie minds wondering:

They look pretty sad, don't they?


  1. I just came up to bed.... Poor little Finney was laying on the bed in the grandtots bedroom...hopefully wagging his tail and looking soooo sad
    . Awwww he misses the kids!

  2. What did you frost the window with? We have bubble wrap on our garage windows, but occasionally it comes off. We should have had the windows put in the top section instead of at eye level and everyone can look in.

  3. Wondering what you frosted the window with? We put bubble wrap up with water on garage windows. Had them install them at eye level instead of at the top and now people can look in.

  4. Donna.. it's just the roll of "frosted" of Contact Paper from the store. I cut it to shape carefully with an Xacto knife around the edges and using a rubber spatula to press out all of the air bubbles. This was just the plain, but there are patterned ones too!

  5. In the picture Duke looks to have a contented tired look on his face. Poor Finney looks like he is wondering why the children had to leave. They are just Fur Kids aren't they.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.


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