Thursday, May 15, 2014

Dreary Do-Nothing-Much Thursday

Not feeling up to snuff.. and this weather combined with the high pollen or mold or whatever is taking it's toll on me.  I tried to get a bunch of things accomplished today, but it seems that every thing I started to do, didn't get done and I would just quit.  Retreating to the couch to rest a bit and then try something else.   Didn't really finish much of anything I guess.

I took the dogs out for some fetch for a bit in the backyard, and that wore me out.  It's damp, cold, windy and plain old YUCKY!

I am wanting to pull weeds, spread mulch, plant bulbs and maybe some shrubs.... but for now, I am just going to be content pulling my coleus sleds in and out of the garage.

Tonight will be down to 33 ... and they are already getting snow up in Michigan tonight. ACK snow delays for schools in the middle of May?

We are sitting around tonight with our fireplace going.  Watching Grey's Anatomy which I only watched the first year.. and then once in a while.  Thought I would tune in for Yang's swan song.  Kinda so so.   Supposed to end with a twist.  We will see.

Tomorrow I have to get up early and run the Lincoln Continental to Manitowoc to the tranny place.  We had it repaired a few weeks ago, and the guy wants it back for a checkup at 1,500 miles.  Then later on the afternoon I have a date with elderly widow next door... we are going to the FREE movie at the Chilton Theater.  This month they are showing On Golden Pond... my all time absolute favorite movie~!!    (and all time favorite musical is Seven Brides for Seven Brothers)

I will finish up with a couple of doggies pics....

Our Dukie Palooki on guard in his favorite spot at the door to make sure we are all safe... 

 Our Finney Binney hanging out on the quilt on the front porch


  1. Never thought I'd see the day you slowed down, sorry it took some bug to knock you down. Hope you feel better and get some warm sunshine to get you going again. :c)

  2. It's been a long time since I've felt like doing much, but you are always more energetic (and younger) than I am. Hope you get back to your old self real soon.

  3. Hope you are feeling better soon. Definitely not you to be just sitting around, maybe once the weather perks up you have more energy.

  4. Take it easy. There is a cold going around (all over U.S.) that is resulting in pneumonia.


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