Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday Around The House

Still doing blog posts from my phone. At least I know it can work this way. While Steveio is cooking breakfast, I thought I would do a blog post.

We woke up to frosty cold below zero temps, and its only going to get worse... The winds are going to kick up and make it unbearable.

 I walked around the house snapping a few pics out the windows in case anyone wants to see a bit of Wisconsin Winter.

For those of you who wish to shiver a bit with Steveio, here's his winter work around the house...

Snowblowing is a never-ending task in the area we live in. We are close to Lake Michigan, so we get some "lake effect" snow. Today it seems like it just keeps falling.

 I know this is taken through the window screen on the outer layer of storm windows so you can see the grid of the screen material. But this is the view out of my bedroom window each morning out to the street in front of our home.

Our windows have outer storms , then the old fashioned wooden windows, and then an inside layer of plexiglass that snaps onto the frame from the inside. At first we thought the plexiglass panels were dumb when we bought the house, but they really help on the heat bill and air leaks. Steve would like to replace all our windows with new ones...ACK! I won't agree. What we have are nice, old fashioned, and fits the house style. Our heating gas portion of our bill last month was under $140 for the month, and some of that is the hot water heater and meter charge. That is a LOT less than our last house, which was newer, more insulated, and had new windows.
So. There.
(Steveio and I have a running disagreement on the windows, so I will get my licks in here, on the blog, where he doesn't read). LOL!

This pic is peeking through the frosty glass on the back storm door, leading to the shaker porch on the second story rear side if the house. Just look at that poor frozen motorhome out there!

In my guest bedroom, i am keeping 8 pots of coleus plants growing.

Some are blooming, even in the middle of winter?

I have kept this same strain of coleus going since the 1990's. The first plant came from my friend Connie. I keep breaking off shoots, stick them in water till they grow roots, and plant them in dirt.

I share them with friends and try to spread them all over.

In the summer, I plant them all outdoors where they grow big and lush and full.

Yesterday afternoon I worked on my newest quilt. I know I blogged about starting on this quilt before, but I will post about how I started it again.

I bought this book and template from Nancy's Notions. With it you can make 7 different pattern blocks. By sewing together long strips of fabric in groups of threes, the template helps you cut out perfect rectangles to arrange into block patterns.

I sew the blocks together on my 100 year old Singer treadle sewing machine
 (thanks to Paula Stuplich who gave it to me)

Sitting in the sunshine, facing south, helps to clear my head of the winter doldrums... Soft music playing, two doggers dozing on the floor next to me, and the gentle clickety clickety of the treadle machine. Here is the first block.

Finnegan helped me arrange some blocks and let me know the best design. LOL....

Soon I had 10 of the 20 blocks together with some checkerboard sashing to compliment the blocks. Later today I will do the other half.

I am trying to make all of my intersections and points come together neatly. I might add some smaller complimentary blocks along the top and bottom edges to make it just a bit longer. I think I have enough scraps to do that... We will see.


So best to get off this computer and back to the sewing machine. 
(on edit..added later)
 And here is a tiny bit of our snow for you to enjoy.

I shouldn't complain so much about our weather, it is kinda pretty....


  1. Your weather is beautiful, and what a view to see each morning. I used to plant a lot of coleus and keep it going during the winter, but where I live now there is no window that gets enough sun for good plant growth.

  2. Hello Karen and Steve. Dolly tries to keep her plants going in the winter also. Hard job if you don't have a sunroom or greenhouse. I thought Bloomington was bad, but you have worse winters up in Wisconsin. Thanks again for the info on solar panels. I am researching them on the internet. Wonder if is a good place to buy them. Me and my son-in-law can install them.
    Doug, Dolly and Fergie

  3. That view from your windows makes me want to settle under a comforter and take a nap.

  4. I never did figure out how to do a blog post from my phone. I just want my computer to work and if it doesn't, neither do I. It looks so cold up there but $140 is fantastic for that kind of weather.

  5. I admire people like you that have the talent and patience to create.

  6. Now you got me wanting to get some coleus to plant in pots and sit on windowsil where I get sun (when its out). pots of coleus plants ~Tricia

  7. Me too, I want a coleus plant, now, too! It sure is beautiful there. I know it's freezing and uncomfortable and a general pain, but it's still beautiful.

    Love the quilt. The strip thing, that's how I made one of my quilts. At first it didn't make sense (I'm still new to quilting), but as I followed the directions, it worked. I wonder if getting crisply squared corners ever gets easier - yours look great. :)

  8. The snow pictures are pretty, but I sure don't miss it.

    There were way too many quilting pics and not nearly enough Finney pictures. LOL He looks like he's far as I could tell anyway with only ONE picture!

  9. Good job on the quilt Karen!! I cut back the geraniums, water them well, then stick them in a cool, dark closet for the winter. I've used the same geraniums for several summers now.

  10. So glad you have those triple layer windows, and the quilting to keep you busy in the cold weather. Finnegan is doing a good job with
    Quilt design!

  11. It is my duty as a resident of Maui to say that it was 55 degrees one morning last week under very clear conditions, a storm has blown in with the wind stopping and the rain falling very nicely across the Island. Both the dry areas and the rain forest are being drenched. With the humidity the temp is around 67 or so at sunrise. I have family in Duluth and Madison who really work to survive the weather there. They schedule at least one trip south. I want to also echo the comment above regarding your creativity, it makes for a very fulfilling life.

  12. That snow sure is pretty. Pretty nice in your yard and not mine! :cD


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