Friday, November 1, 2013

What Came in the Mail - and the Chilton Cinema

First I will start with the Chilton Cinema.  

Just down the block on the other side of the street is a small movie theater called the Chilton Cinema.     They also manage a small drive-in theater just on the south end of town.

It is an elegant old building, erected in 1931, just 14 years after our house was built.  

Knowing that Harry Houdini grew up just northwest of here, this is an interesting tidbit that I found on a search:
Chilton Cinema is a historical landmark located in downtown Chilton. 
Legend has it that Houdini actually used 
the trap door in the stage for his magic act.

Wednesday night Steveio took me to a movie, kinda a pre-birthday date thing.  It was a warm foggy misty night as we walked down to the theater building.  Who's gonna drive a car a block and a half, just to park it to go to a movie?  LOL   What was playing was "The Butler" ...  I have always like Forest Whitaker and Oprah Winfrey, so this was really a winner of a movie to see.  I won't ruin it if you haven't seen it, but it sure was GOOD!

Back to the theater....

It is quite impressive when you walk in, the foyer is old fashioned kinda art deco in some ways.  The snack area is complete with a gal behind the counter popping real popcorn in a machine (not brought in bagged and reheated like some theaters do now)   We paid our discount ticket night fees and got our little coupons.   It was a pretty empty house, only 8 or 9 people there to see the show.

Before it began, I snapped a few shots of the old fashioned play house interior, with fancy old glass wall sconces and patterned flocked wallpapers.

I really liked this old glowing clock, and it reminded me of the one in the Rivoli Theater in Cedarburg when I was a kid.  Never mind the time was wrong, I noticed that it did move through the two hours we were there!

I snapped off one more shot before the movie began... while Steveio settled in with his soda and popcorn.  In the rear portion of the theater, they removed every other row of seats and added tables.  They furnish a menu with items like pizzas and nachos etc. to order from the usher throughout the movie which are delivered to your seats.  How nice is that?

We walked slowly home from the movie, enjoying the misty dark evening with damp streets and fog rolling in.  Strangely warm for a late October night, I recall some Octobers with snow on the ground already.  

Now... the mail.

On Thursday, just in time for my birthday, a box arrived for me.  I knew what was in it, and veryyy carefully cut it open.  Inside was the finished quilt that I had sent off to Janna in Montana!   It was originally a quilt top given to me by a friend, Linda Bradfish in exchange for weaving her some rugs.  It had been partially finished when she got it from someone else.  She finished the piecing and passed on the "top" to me.  I sent it to Janna Clark of Coyote Creek Quilting in McLeod MT 

Janna is also a fellow RVer (with a blog  ) and actually takes her quilting business on the road at times.  Her hubby fixed up a full sized utility trailer with her big quilting machine inside to take it along when they head south for the winters!   Here is a photo I saved of her from her blog.  What a way to take your fiber fun along!

She picked out a lovely backing fabric for me, and I let her "go nuts" with whatever pattern she wanted to do on the quilting process.  I trusted her judgement of what would look best.  I am a brand new quilting person, I don't have any idea what would look best, and I don't even have a machine to do this kind of work on a wide king sized quilt.

She gladly accepted the honor of doing it up for me. She bound the back to the front with a wool batting in between on her longarm machine.   And soon it was boxed up and shipped back to me to open up and oogle it!

Oh my.. 
the loops!  
the swirls!  
the roses!  
the leaves! 

Here it is laid across our king sized bed!   I still have to sew the binding on around the edges...  My Quilting Mentor, Paula, said it should all be hand sewn binding, so that is going to be my next project.

Saying I am "DELIGHTED" in an understatement.  
It will be a great addition to the old fashioned look of our home. 

Speaking of our home, tomorrow I am having three special visitors!  All 3 of the Baldock girls who grew up in this house are stopping by for a visit!  They want to see the changes we have made, and also they are going to visit the cemetary and clear off the summer flowers for their parents' graves.  So it will be a bittersweet day for them, one of memories and sadness, but also hopefully of joy seeing that we love this home as much as they did. 


  1. That is a really beautiful quilt! And I love the old theaters. What a good idea to add tables for those who want to order something besides popcorn.

  2. They did the same thing to the movie theater in downtown Shawano (WI) quite a few years ago - removed every other row of seats and put tables in for casual eats. I think it's a great idea.

  3. That quilt is awesome.
    So is the idea of having a table in front of you at the theatre. Somebody was thinking.
    Enjoy your company!

  4. The cinema is sure pretty nice, I like the fact that they tried to keep it as original as they could.

    The quilt turned out beautiful, I am sure you are just tickled pink about it.


  5. Thanks a bunch Karen--I'm glad you liked it! Our old theater in Big Timber is pretty cool too--in fact you've given me an idea for a blog post.

  6. Beautiful quilt you now have on your bed. The variety of her stitching is great.

    We love old movie theaters too. Sounds like a romantic night.

  7. How wonderful for all of you to be able to share the house with them. I visited the owners of our firts house in Milwaukee many years after we had left. They were actually the people who hwd bought it from the people who had bought it from us. It was fun to see what had been changed and what was the same. I was also able to share some of the houses history with them.q

  8. What a beautiful quilt!
    I'd love to be a mouse in the corner when the 3 girls see how beautifully you've restore their home.

    Keep us posted!

  9. Your trip to the Cinema sounds wonderful. Love the pics of the interior. I cannot believe that gal does longarm quilting in her RV. It looks claustrophobic to me! The quilt sure turned out nicely, though!

  10. Ms P, You the most, at least Steve thinks so !!!
    I'd say Janna did a middlin' good job on that quilt, of course, nobodt else can produce A GENUINE JANACLARK QUIT !!! SHE'S THE BEST !!!
    You let her RUN WILD on your quilt and look what she made!!!

  11. The quilt is beautiful and the theater looks fun.


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