Sunday, November 25, 2012

Let There Be Light!

After a busy weekend of Steve visiting with his mom and then we had lunch out with his dad and all of the siblings... which was a VERY emotional day....  We needed a bit of reprieve   We stopped on up to Birnamwood, WI to check out some old lamps a lady had on Craigslist.  Wheeeeee  We got some lovely bargains!  I think we are all set now in planning for the new house's lamps and lighting.

These are either for our bedroom, or on our buffet in the diningroom
I don't think these are the original glass globes,
so I think I will put tall clear chimneys on them instead.

One of these can go on a little table in the foyer,
and the other two maybe in our bedroom

This tall lamp is Steve's choice.  It's for behind his mission recliner chair
in the livingroom.  We will get him a different shade.....

We got them for great prices, most only $5 each.   The  tall lamp was a bit more.

After loading the lamps up in the car, we trekked on over to Wausau where our good friends Mel and Paula were waiting for us.  They had a lovely dinner all set, and we spent the evening laughing and letting go, talking about this and that, the motorhomes, the house, quilting and admiring Paula's new treadle sewing machine she got for an early Christmas Present!  Paula had some fabric for me, and we all watched a video tour of our house-to-be.  They are soon taking off for the winter in their motorhome, going down to Texas.  We hope to meet up with them sometime during our vacation down there later this winter. We drove home feeling much more relaxed and comfortable after a long, long emotional day.

Oh, this is the rest of the lighting we have for the house:

I bought these three lamps last week at TJ Maxx,  on sale too.   The two tall ones are for the livingroom on the end tables, and the center one matches very well with the guest room comforter bed set (burgundy with gold metallic swirls)  so that lamp will go in there.

And watching the sales last week, I was able to get this for our dining room! 
(someone had custom ordered it and never picked it up, so I reaped the rewards by getting it for almost half price!) 
I might take the little shades off... not sure yet. 

This next one is for our foyer.  I bought it already at full price, because we knew we wanted it.
But I am watching for it go on sale so I can go back in and get my price adjusted on the sales slip.

I spent most of the day today sanding my cabinets... I am almost ready to stain!!
Steve watched football most of the day, but came out from time to time to check on my progress... LOL
It's MY project, but he comes out to help me move the cabinets on and off the sawhorses.

Now it's 7:15 and time for Sunday Night Football! 
The Packers are playing the Giants, 
and time to tune in......


  1. Wonderful lamps. Your place will be excellent and the look of the olden days. I love it!!!

  2. Looks like you are going to light up your life. . .

  3. You sure are capturing the flavor of the old house. I think if we ever settle down after full timing I will do what you and Al are doing. Buying used things on Craig's list whenever you can. You have found some wonderful old treasures. Be sure to check the wiring on any used lamp, even if it is only a few years old. One of my friends once had a lamp catch fire in her bedroom. It was really scary!

  4. Looks like you are taking into account every detail, great purchases.

  5. You missed your calling, you should be an interior decorator. Such wasted talent spent on weaving... ;c)

  6. Your lamps are wonderful as well as the other lighting you have chosen. We can't wait to see the house in person. Your video was AWESOME!

  7. Looks like you are going to put more light on the subject.

  8. I love the lamps. I need some myself and never thought of looking on Craigsist. You got some really good deals.

  9. wonderful are finding such perfect things to fit into that historic home of yours..


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