Friday, September 28, 2012

Motorhome Moving Day and some quilting pics too

What a lovely day... it got up into the 70's with clear blue sky and golden sunlight through the fall leaves.  Our current electric site 78 was reserved for the weekend, so we needed to move over into a non-electric one (47) for the weekend.

Before moving the motorhome from the site, I used up the remaining fresh water in our holding tank with a few loads of laundry and ran the dryer a few cycles.  I take the Tshirts out at a half-dry state and hang them on hangers.  I found this method of using the motorhome awning support to be a very handy outdoor dryer!

The small wire hooks on the hangers fit very well in the adjusting holes in our big awning.
They are those new thin fuzzy hangers I bought that stack clothes better in the closet.  
The larger plastic type hangers are harder to get into the holes. 

Our friends Paula and Mel left from site 76 yesterday and are headed out to camp up north for the weekend.   We decided to hang close to the campground, and tomorrow some of the grandtots are coming to visit!

While moving from one site to another, I drive the motorhome over to the dump station and take care of drainging the grey (sink/shower) water and the black (toilet stuff).   Because nobody was waiting in line behind me, I did a good rinse with the turbo washer device in the black tank.   Then I pulled the rig forward to fill up the fresh water tank from the potable hose filling station.  It takes a LONG time to fill up 100 gallons as this water filler is veeerrrryyyy slow.  So I sat down on the grass with my Galaxy Tablet, checked email, checked facebook and sent this pic while I was enjoying the sunshiny day!

Once I was done doing that, I called Steve on his cell phone and had him hop on board as I drove past where he was working.  I timed it so it was during his break time.  Good thing to have your hubby working in the campground!  LOL  It's better to have two people backing in the rig, one to drive it and one to be the spotter.  Our site on number 47 is situated so it's reached by backing in on the blind side.  (passenger side)   We hadn't camped in this site before, so it's best to have another person outside to help guide it back.  (and to keep safe any crazy people who think it's fine to walk behind a backing up motorhome!~  that happens more often than you think!)   

Steve went back to work, and I brought over the Tracker, unloaded our firewood and other supplies we tossed in there to haul over to this site.  Then I set up the lawn chairs, ground tarp and other assorted items we like to have around.  There... "Home Sweet Home" in fifteen minutes.  LOL 

Tonight our dinner was grilling up a big slab of salmon, some rice, green beans, and a loaf of Paula's wonderful bread.  What a treat.  We were full to the brim, and only ate half the salmon.  The rest will be lunch  tomorrow.  

As for my new found addiction of quilting, I finished up four of the coasters!  They are sooo cute!  I put batting in between and then a brown backing, sewn around, trimmed and turned right side out.

Oh.. by the way... Paula hauled me off to quilting shops and I had to stock up on some more fabric, eh? 

This is 12 yards of fabrics, all freshly washed, dried, and pressed---
just ready to be cut up into coasters, hot pads, and whatever else strikes my fancy!

Off to bed soon here, while Steve is watching an episode of Grimm.  I am bushed out and I think feeling a little under the weather.  I plan on getting a good night's sleep and hopefully enjoy an afternoon of Grandtots Visiting!!!



  1. The tee shirts look so colorful hanging from the awning.

  2. I like your clothes hanging idea. Nice looking coasters. Quilting can be addicting.

  3. Girl you are ambitious! Spinning, weaving, socking, and now quilting!!! You are going to have so much "stuff" to sell that you have to open a shop or rent a booth at the campground office.
    You like my new word, "Socking". LOL Know wonder Steve keeps you around, your as talented as he is.
    You go girl!

    1. Already I have so much stock built up that we bought a large Coleman cooler as a storage "trunk" and keep it in the back seat of the Tracker. It can later double as a food hauler of perishables when we go for a grocery run while boondocking a far distance away from the stores...

  4. Lol...we use the awning arms too...hanging towels after bathing the dogs and shirts. The coasters are really cute. Am headed to hobby lobby tomorrow afternoon...excited to try this technique! Thanks for sharing the pattern Karen.

  5. Haven't had a chance to comment for a little while, you guys are so lucky, I wish Donna would retire and we could get on a at least a new adventure or two. Right now it looks like the fiver is done for the season and will be winterized in the beginning of Oct. would like one more trip but Donna can't get off.I guess we will have to be happy with a spring trip to Florida maybe.Tell Steveio I still have a half a bottle of his cherry wine that I sip on special occasions.Hope all is well and it stays warm and no snow for awhile up there in Wi.Be safe out there. Sam & Donna...

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Janna, with you being the expert quilter among my followers, that means a lot!

  7. Any lady that dumps and flushes the tanks and fills the fresh water tank by herself is a keeper! Steveio chose well. ;c)

    That is a beautiful picture of your motorhome, even if it is at the dump station.


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