Sunday, August 5, 2012

Wonderful Weekend

As we are settling into this full time living thing in the RV, we are making a few changes as we still unpack and sort and arrange things.

One thing we noticed is that the recliners we bought last year are not very practical.  They need to be pulled out sooo far into the room if you want to recline on them.  They waste about 12-14 inches behind each chair.  And if you don't pull them out far enough, they catch on the edge of the window frame when putting them back upright.   Time to make a change....

Sooooo we went shopping for the "wall hugger" style recliners.  We looked at all the big stores in the city.  Ewwww pretty high prices on the La Z Boy brand, but they seemed to have the nicest "wall hugger" design.  We discovered that we liked the loveseat idea instead of 2 separate chairs (like our blogger friends Janna and Mike had in their motorhome)  There is a small mom and pop style furniture store not too far from where we are parked, so we headed over there.  Not only did they have what we wanted, in a nice color, in stock...but on SALE!   For a LOT cheaper than what the big stores in Green Bay had!   They will deliver it for FREE on Tuesday right into the motorhome!   Plus, I feel better supporting a small town store (McMahons of Luxemburg)  and Steve also knew one of the salesmen who had kids the ages of our sons and played ball together.

Our son Dan and Heather will come and take these recliners off our hands, and they match their couch already in their house.  Although they were good recliners for the year we had them in our motorhome, and we bought them at a good price, but we would like the extra space in front of the chairs instead.

Another little helpful thing I learned this week ---  I had seen another RVer with these thin velour hangers at the laundry area in Holtwood campground last weekend.  They are thinner in profile than regular plastic hangers.

 BEFORE                                      HANGERS                                           AFTER            

one white plastic hanger on the right
is as thick as 2 or 3 of the black velour ones

You can get a lot more thin type clothing compacted better in lesser space in the closet.   She said the ones at Walgreens are better and stronger than the ones at Walmart, and they were on sale right now!  Sure nuff---   2 packs for $10 of ten packs of hangers.   I snatched up 40 of them to try them out.   I think I will still keep some plastic hangers for heavier things and hanging jeans on.  What is also an added benefit is they are velour covered, so your things do not slip off.  In a moving motorhome, that is a real plus!

Big storms blew through on Saturday afternoon and evening.  We mostly stayed inside and hunkered down.

Sunday morning, we slept in a bit --- trying out this full timing retirement attitude.  LOL  Then Steveio got up on the roof and removed the shrouds on our AC units to clean the inside coils.  He did a good job on the cleaning by blowing out with his compressed air tool.   He has his big tank air compressor on board to run all of his air tools.  A happy man has his happy tools along.

In the afternoon, our friends Sharon and Fred came for a visit.  They brought along their yellow lab, Brandie, who HAD to hop in the water right away.  Of course.  Would you expect less of a lab?  

Steve tossed some steaks on the grill, and Sharon brought plenty of treats to go with the meal.  We sat and gabbed and marveled at the great day.  Temps in the 70's, low humidity, nice breeze off the bay.  Wow... what a choice for a picnic with good friends. 

 Sharon made a very good dessert with strawberries, kiwi, angelfood pieces and a whipped base of sugarfree vanilla pudding mix and whipped cream.  Yummmmm

The guys wandered on down by the water, and checked out the lift device for the pontoon boat. Steve is going to help Ernie (the cottage owner) to add a different unit to lower and raise the boat easier.  The lowering water levels of Green Bay and Lake Michigan are causing a lot of problems with the owners of docks and boat lifts I guess. 

We gabbed till the sun went down... and wow.. what a great sunset it was!  

 Good friends, good food and good weather.  
What a Wonderful Weekend! 




  1. I can't believe how Steve is getting around on the knee. What a fun day for you guys. You're already into the retirement type lifestyle. What freedom!!

    1. Yah he has been hobbling around, icing it up each night, and keeping it elevated as much as he can.

  2. That sure sounds like a great desert!!! Think we're going to have to try that one.

  3. So glad to hear everything is falling in place.

  4. And there was no need to go home after the weekend! :c)

    1. OH you are SO RIGHT!!! We didn't have to pack up and drive back 60+ miles to home... because our home is right here now!!!

  5. You are so right - a happy man is one who has "ALL" his tools with him. I know that first hand. Our first year on the road was spent getting rid of more stuff and rearranging and changing out. Looking forward to seeing your love seat. We had one that we loved but when we bought Jim's new recliner there wasn't room for both it and the recliner. You will enjoy yours.

  6. Sounds like a great weekend! That is what I can't wait for -- no more moving clothes and food between the house and the RV!!

    1. Yes! We have to finish using up the doubles of everything we have from the house that are half used. I am combining bottles and packages to condense down and throw away the extra containers. Soon we will be back to normal amounts of things (I hope!) It's nice though to have the "best of the best" of all my kitchen things like best kettles, utensils, hot pads, dishes etc. now all in the motorhome. I used to have "second best" in the rig and all the "best" in the house. Making tater salad right now before the kids come tonight for supper and taking home the two recliners. It's another family picnic day!

  7. What we like about weekends is that they last seven days now!

  8. I started using that type of hanger last year and I love them! Its the only kind I use. They do save a lot of room in the closet. I am glad that you are getting everything settled in your new "home".


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