Friday, August 17, 2012

Steveio's Knee Surgery and a Flat Tire!

Oh my what a day it has been....

We parked at St. Mary's hospital last night in the parking lot, and were all set for getting a good night's sleep.  We got a nice spot in a corner with some grass for the doggies.  We weren't blocking any aisles or larger parking areas other than the 4 sites for the rig and 1 site for the Tracker.

We have 2 pre-printed signs that say: "PARKED WITH MANAGEMENT PERMISSION"  We put one up by the driver's side windshield and the other in the window next to the side entry door.  Then there is no question as to us being allowed there, even with shift changes of the security personnel.   I keep these signs in cardboard backed page protectors in a folder under our dash, and we have used them a few times now at various places when we got permission to stay. 

We got a nice quiet night's sleep with only one ambulance coming in about 11 p.m.  The rest of the time it was peaceful.  Steveio and I went in the hospital at 9 a.m. for his pre-op paperwork and into surgery supposedly by 11.  Well, we all know how that goes. 

They didn't start him till after 12, and he didn't get out of the surgery room into recovery till after 3.  

Looks pretty good, eh?   All was done well, and according to the surgeon it was a good operation on the meniscus of the knee.  The fracture is healing well on it's own. 

Then of course, after a spinal block, they make him wait till everything is in "working order" so it was after 7 p.m. before he was released! 

Now, while all this was going on for him, was I bored???  NO WAY!   Why, you ask?   Because I was busy dealing with a flat tire on the motorhome!   

Our RVing friends Sharon and Fred swung by the hospital about 11 a.m. to see if we needed any help, and offer their driveway to park in if we wanted to.  Well, Fred noticed our front passenger side tire on the motorhome was FLAT!!!!

Yup.. that was FLAT alright!   He reached down and felt our sensor for the tire pressure monitor and it was about 1/4 turn loose on the valve stem!   So it either got bumped loose, or someone started to turn it to steal it?   Who knows...   hopefully that is all it was, and not a bad tire leak. 

Fred helped me fire up the generator, Sharon and I pulled out the lawn chairs, and we got the big air compressor pulled forward in the storage bay to hook on the hoses.  

Fred took care of airing up the tire in spurts, as Steve's compressor is big, but not quite enough for a full blast of 22.5" tires.  So it took a while, but soon Fred had it back up to snuff.   THANKS FRED AND SHARON! 


I was able to go back in and tell Steve in the recovery room that his tire was aired back up and we took care of it all for him.   Whew! 

Once he was released, I was able to roll him right out of the hospital into the parking lot (with a promise to return the wheelchair!)    Look at this rough and tuff guy.... all bright eyed and bushy tailed.   

Just as we wheeled him up close and I snapped that shot, up drove those wonderful friends, Sharon and Fred again!  They timed it just right!  So Steve got in a little visiting and got to see their new Ford Focus all set up for towing behind their motorhome.  He had to see the newfangled switches and tow setup and gab gab gab.   I wanted him to get inside and rest, but he had enough resting and was happy to see Fred and Sharon again..... 

and it gave Steve a chance to thank them for helping with the flat tire! 

Now he is resting with his leg up on his La Z Boy recliner, watching his flat screen tv, and having a nice big glass of milk.... no pain.... so far...   and I think he is gonna sleep well tonight. 



  1. Isn't it great to be able to have your own home in the hospital parking lot! Good that you got help with the tire too. My tire looks like that also..hmmmm....Steve looks pretty good after having surgery. Hope he has a successful recovery.

  2. Great news. Hope you both have a wonderful night.

  3. Steve is looking great. I am happy you had help with the tire. Three cheers for friends! Have a restful night. Nite!

  4. Glad the surgery went well with no problems and that he's home and resting. Aren't good friends just a blessing. Especially ones who know how to run an air compressor.

  5. Glad to hear the good news about Steve. Karen, I think you've got your work cutout for you trying to hold him down in recovery mode. Speedy recovery Steve.

  6. Hope Steve faires better than our Granddaughter. They repaired her torn ACL today and had to graph part of another tendon to fix it. By the time she got home the meds were reacting and everything was coming up. Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  7. What blessed people we are to have our homes with us where ever we need to be (in most cases)? I really like the sign idea and will be making some up for us. I carry a foldable laminating machine and will laminate mine to light cardstock.

    Best wishes to you and Steve for a pleasant and pain-free night.


  8. How in the world did you get him into the motorhome?

    1. Oh, he has crutches too, plus he can stand gently on the leg.. And walk with care. The more he moes it, the better. Up now at 6 am, he said no pain and feeling okay... Just a bit stiff. Yay!

  9. Life is good--our hospitals in Billings provide electrical hookups, free!!

  10. Bet he's glad that's overwith! Murphy's Law with the tire. Lucky your friends came by when they did. It's probably not something Steveio would have felt like dealing with when he was released.

  11. Thumbs up to Sharon and Fred!
    Best wishes to you and Steve!
    Mel & Paula

  12. Glad to hear that everything went well for Steve. Hope there is nothing else wrong with the tire other than the lost of air.

    Kevin and Ruth

    1. Yup, examining our tire pressure monitoring sensof, it is bulgec out on one side and distorted the threads wbere it screw into the stem... Will write more in the next blog....

  13. If they've told him to keep it elevated be sure he knows that means his knee needs to be higher than his heart--a recliner doesn't do it. :)

    So glad friends were able to fix the tire so Steve wouldn't have felt the need to try it himself!

  14. Glad to see all went well with Steve and the tire....isn't it great when friends seem to arrive just when you need help the most :).....


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