Thursday, August 30, 2012

Finishing Valance Update and Safari-ite Visitors

I put the finishing touches on my Valance Updating.  Did you know the two side pieces of a window treatment are called "Lamberquins"?     Well, the ones in our motorhome had little plastic button type screw covers.  They were in light blue to match those blue velvet straps I took off the valances.  So I stopped at Lowe's and got beige ones.   (anyone need 12 blue plastic screw covers?)   So I swapped them out yesterday to finish up my project.  There! Done!

Yesterday afternoon I got a call from a fellow Safari-ite (Safari Motorcoach Owner) named John. He has reservations for Thursday, but he was ahead of schedule and able to come to the park on Wednesday!   I called down to the office to find out if his site was reserved for Wed, and no, it was vacant. So I buzzed down there quick and paid for it while John made his way to High Cliff State Park.

He unhooked his toad and dolly from behind his motorhome, and got settled into his campsite. He has a Safari motorhome the same length of ours but the colors of Mel and Paula's rig.  Speaking of Mel and Paula, they will be here later today to enjoy time with us other Safari-ites!  They are only staying for the day, and not bringing their rig.   Mel is still recovering from his surgery, and even a day trip will be wonderful to see them again.

We slapped a slab of fresh/frozen Salmon on the grill.... yummmm  
It was a very big piece, as that is a full size cookie sheet underneath it. LOL

Later on, Steveio got some firewood and started us up a campfire.  (please ignore the Girl Scout Water in his hands, he don't want his secret let out?)

Note the Thermocell units on the end table.  Yes, the skeeters are out in full force, as we had rain here the other day and a whole new crop has hatched.  But the Thermocells work wonderfully to keep them away and we can sit and visit and relax without bug sprays or slapping every three minutes from those incessant buggers.

(I have had questions in the comments section about Thermocells, so this portion now is added to the blog:)
Here is a link to the Thermocell post I did up when we first got them....

We swapped stories and tales of places to go and places we have been... 
and enjoyed our company well into the night.      

Ahhhhhh campfires.... 

(and I think we will have another campfire tonight!) 



  1. Took me a minute to figure out the term 'Girl Scout Water in his hands', but understandable in the hands of a tenderfoot.

  2. Please, tell us more about the Thermocell units. I've not heard of them and I am strongly in favor of anything that keeps skeeters away.

  3. Wow! That is a big slab of salmon. And isn't it great to meet up with other SAfari-ites. You all had quite a fun day of it. Camp on!

    Blessings & Shalom,
    Richard & iona & an old cat named Jasper
    Full timing RVers in a 40 ft. '95 Ivory Ed 300 Cummins DP pulling little green toad (2012 Ford Fiesta)

  4. We have some of those buttons that need to be recovered. I tried to do them myself but I wasn't real successful. Ours are covered with matching material. I may have to try and find the plastic ones like you have with a colour that comes close and just go with that. We will try Lowes on our way through the States this fall.

    Kevin and Ruth

  5. I had never heard of Thermocells before, but looked them up on Google. Interesting. We do not have mosquitoes here at our home, but Craig was really bitten up when we were in Oregon. I am one of the lucky few that does not get mosquito bites even if they do bite me. I might get him one of these for Christmas!

  6. Hi Karen, Just found the ThermaCELLs on sale from Cabela's online at 2 for $34.99 with cartridges , etc. Free shipping if you add sonethung from clothes or foot ware, I bought some hiking socks. (Sale lasts thru September 4 for anyone else reading this comment. ) Do you have holsters? I'm thinking I can make them easily enough. Do they work for keeping biting flies away? How about ticks?

  7. Thermacells--interesting stuff, especially as we head south and toward skeeter zones. Thanks!

  8. Here is a link to the Thermocell post I did up when we first got them....

    I will add it to the post above too!


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