Monday, January 30, 2012

Oh Boy .. busy busy busy!

Larry just reminded me that it's been a while since I did a blog... I know.. sorry!!!!

I have pics of Steveio changing out the bathroom fan on the motorhome to his new Vortex fan, will post them on the next blog.

It's been a crazy 2 weeks... I had some sock orders to get done, plus I have been spending days scanning in thousands of photos.. .and I do mean thousands!

Plus-----we are going GANGBUSTERS on the house fixups to get it ready to put on the market in April....

We painted the kitchen and dining area, and the back wall of the loft, next up tomorrow is the master closet/changing room   Freshening it up makes a huge difference. Decluttering too!

We have hauled four loads of the car packed to the max over to St. Vinnies and Rainbow House Shelter, and then just as many bags of things to the trash as we are sorting and making ten thousand decisions in a moment for each one....

Each load going out makes us feel lighter and lighter!!  It's like the albatross is lifting off the neck, and we will soon be free of a lot of things we never really needed in the first place.

We picked out all new carpeting for installation on Wednesday, so we are busy busy busy moving things out and sorting and getting the kids to come and get whatever is not needed to *stage* the house for the market.

Plus on top of it all, we sold our Tracker to my little brother and bought a different Tracker, a bit newer with air conditioning (which Steve said we needed)  ...the new one does not have a rag top convertible which I am gonna miss!  

(our old 1995 one we sold) 

Part of the deal with my little brother is that we filled up the back seat (although small)  I jammed it full to the brim with things for my sister... he brought them back up to Michigan after Steve also loaded up the back of his pickup truck that he drove down in.  His friends drove the Tracker back, and I was quite sad to see it go.

The new one is kinda ummmm average...  not "fun" like the Jeepish Tracker was ....  I guess this is a sign that we are getting older?
(the 1997 one we bought) 

It needs a little body work on the some of the rust that we will take care of in the spring.  Otherwise it's a good little toad.  It's 16 inches longer than the last one, and rides a little different.  More like a car, and less like a fun toy!   We took the towing baseplate off the old 1995 Tracker.  One call to Blue Ox we were told we could use it on the 1997, a second call we were told no, we could not, it's different.  So will see.  Come spring we will take care of getting it ready to toad behind the motorhome.

I have a little Chelsea beetle bug girl here today too.. she is "helping" me in the kitchen and we baked up two apple pies.  She will stay overnight tonight, and we can have some good quality snuggle time.  Gotta take a break once in a while! 

Here she was after a nap, asking to watch ELMO!  


Ahhhh she is done in her highchair and time to pop her in the bathtub to clean her up~!


  1. wow you are a whirlwind...I can relate to all the downsizing as we spent months last year renovating and downsizing..I gave a lot to the kids, and to people who needed it. Such a good feeling...before you know it there will be a sold sign on your house and you'll be ready to roll :) good luck and remember to rest every now and then..nice that you have Chelsea for a night..they always brighten up the day don't they...

  2. You must have a super fast scanner to be able to do thousands of pictures. I have thousands to scan and it will probably take me at least 2 yrs!

    Back when I was about 18, I had a friend who made several trips to France. In those days you took a boat - she made several crossings on the French Line's "Liberte", and she always traveled with a steamer trunk. To me the idea of crossing the ocean on a huge ships and taking your belongings in a steamer trunk is so old-fashioned and romantic, so I would never be able to part with it if I had one.

  3. Like the new toad, why is it you can never get a straight answer from companies? Hope the base plate fit, those things are expensive.

  4. Know what you mean about the fun...We bought the Jeep to enjoy off we go off road...only if I fall asleep driving. It is nice when you need the 4 wheel drive.

    Joe and Sherri

  5. I don't know how you'd ever get any apple pies made if not for little Chelsea!'ve been busy. I'm sure glad we are past that stage. Just think, come April you could possibly be "houseless."

  6. It almost sounds like we are doing same things at the same time....but you don't have two barns to clean an stage.....wanna come help?


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