Friday, December 2, 2011

The score is now Three and Two !!!

Not the Packer's score, silly, the GRANDBABY SCORE!

Erin and Mark have now found out their little bundle of joy in April will be a boy!   Same with Dan and Heather.... the next two grandbabies due in April will both be boys.  So they will have one of each, a girl and a boy in their families.   Add in Jameson as the oldest ringleader of the group from our third daughter Heather and Jesse, and will have a Family Circus around here!

The winter will go by fast and new babies will be here in the spring.  So nice to be preggers over the winter, like I was with Heather who was born in March.  Compared to my being preggers with Erin who was born in the middle of summer, one of the hottest most humid months in Wisconsin in 1983... ewwwww.

Also, today is our little granddaughter Allegra's SECOND BIRTHDAY!!!  

Wow that time sure went fast!   We will be at her birthday party tomorrow to give her some kisses and hugs and presents!  They are having a Hot Dog Bar for the meal and I am bringing my specialty, Calico Beans-- here is the recipe:

**warning** I am a dumper kind of cook, not a precise recipe person!!!
first brown up some ground beef, bout half a pound, and chopped onion, and drain. 
then fry up about 4 strips of bacon, and cut or break into small pieces
now dump that and all this into a crock pot:

1 can kidney beans
1 can baked beans 
1 can butter beans
a big squirt of ketchup
1/2 cup brown sugar
dollop of molasses
squirt of steak sauce
double squirt of BBQ sauce (we like Sweet Baby Rays) 

season to taste
let it go a few hours on the slow cooker 
some folks add grape jelly...
some folks add mustard... 
some folks add vinegar...

Well, my Christmas shopping is done and now the wrapping has begun. Erin stocked me up with paper and tissue from her stash yesterday, so I didn't even have to buy any more.  She watches for the good clearances at her chain of stores after the holidays last year and stocks up then.  Call her my Middle Man of Deals! haha

We are cold here this morning (about 18 degrees!)   and due for more snow this weekend.  I am cranking away on socks as fast as I can.  I have custom orders to fill, plus I am replenishing the stock in the Estores as fast as I can to keep up with the holiday shopping demand.

We did take a little break last night for our favorite dinner out at a little tiny restaurant in Oconto Falls. It's called The Penguin Again.  
It had been called The Penguin years ago, and some other owners had it for a while.  The original owners bought it back so the new name became The Penguin Again, because that is what everyone was calling it anyhow.  We went there with my weaving friend Linda from Tennessee and fellow RV bloggers Sam and Donna here when they came to visit,   blog post from that day    We feasted on BBQ ribs for me and tenderloin tips for Steve.  I order a full serving and take the rest home for lunch today.  Steve ordered a full serving of the tenderloin tips with the same idea in mind.  But somehow he cleaned his platter!   Now I have to protect my leftovers so he don't swipe those for HIS lunch!   LOL

While we were there at the restaurant, we used their fast WIFI signal to catch up on some UTubes that have been posted of the grandkids.  I am limited to 5GB of bandwidth while at home, so if we want to do something large, we stop there for a meal and use their WIFI.  Heather shot these videos of the silly grandkids at our Thanksgiving gathering.      If you would like to look, here are the links:

and this one is about a special book my sister, the librarian, found one day.  
It's called "Press Here" by Herve Tullet.
ISBN-10: 0811879542  or ISBN-13: 978-0811879545  

This book is so much fun that I bought a copy for each of the families, so the kids know the book by heart and are just soooo excited to have it read to them and interact with the imagination of what the "dots" are doing from page to page.... notice Jameson saying "OH MY" over and over,  and Allegra screeching "THE DOTS"  and Chelsea flopping backwards in joy and exuberance at the page turning surprises.....   Yup, and that is me, in all my Granmuddah Glory!

Well, enough blogging, back to the sock machine and get more done...


  1. Congratulations!! Boy that was a horrible summer 83..I had Kelly in August that year...miserable!! Glad the socks are selling off the shelves! They are beautiful.

    Stay warm. Hugs Cindy and Walker

  2. Congratulations!! There is nothing more special than a new baby coming to a family and now you have two!! You have such a special family and what fun you guys have with those "grands." I am always envious (not in a bad way) of large families...what a blessing!
    Thanks for the recipe...I've heard of that dish before but never had a recipe. Now I'll give it a try!

  3. How exciting! Congrats! keep that CSM crankin!


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