Monday, April 11, 2011

END OF OUR JOURNEY– Mission Accomplished--- the snow in the yard is GONE!

When we left on Feb 23, the yard was like this:



We pulled up in front of the house to see this:

at home1

YES, all of our snow is GONE!  And that was the mission we hoped to accomplish with this vacation:




So, here we are, at home.  Now time to unload, unpack, do laundry and settle in.

We unhooked our little Tracker, who did it’s best to push us along all 5,000 miles!~

at home2


We let the dogs out the motorhome door….  at first they sniffed around to reacquaint themselves

at home0

The Duke decided to throw his normal temper tantrum and REFUSE to go in the house… he wants to get back  IN the motorhome and keep on travelling!  It’s always this way with him.   (I know how he feels)

at home3

But we did our journey and it’s time to get back into the work-a-day world.  Steve has to get to work and I have orders to fill, rugs and socks to ship out and stuff to put away.

All in all, our trip was a great success.  We are more than ever convinced we want to do this full time after Steveio can retire.

Our little map given to us by the grandkids led our way on the dash the entire trip. so we never got lost!

our map for our trip

275 miles travelled today

4,946 miles travelled for our entire trip over the last 7 weeks

Total of 605 gallons of diesel used

Average of 8.2 MPG


average price paid of $3.78 a gallon


But first, I have to get feeling better so I can go find some grandkids to hug!!!!

Xmas at Dans 201023


  1. Hooray, your home at last and safe and sound, I'll bet Steveo will want a good nights sleep in his own bed.Hope you get to feeling better quick so you don't infect the Grands. I know they will be wanting to see Gramma. Be safe out there , Sam & Donna...

  2. So, name me a resort that could offer so much and for less than $50 a day. I know, that doesn't cover anything but fuel, but that had to be the biggest expense. I've enjoyed following your travels and someday expect we'll run into each other at the Slabs.

  3. So happy you had a great trip. We sure enjoyed travelling along. You have seen many of the places that we have on our wish list which we keep working on. Hope you can get back on the road for good soon.

    Kevin and Ruth

  4. Karen, have enjoyed the most funfilled vacation. Like many, I traveled the roads, enjoyed the people and worried over the weather, rv repairs. I also loved the pictures and the treasures. Thank you. Sad that the trip ended on a sick note. (Started that way too, if I remember correctly.) Get better and start planning the next trip. Make sure the grans do up another map.. Lessie (TARDIS)

  5. Boy howdy, seems like only yesterday we was sit'n rould the campfire drink'n coffe and wine, spin'n yarn, knit'n socks and tell'n stories. But here we are back to where we started. Back home.

  6. I've enjoyed following along on your vacation! Welcome home.

  7. Welcome home. The green grass must look good.

  8. Always a good feeling to be home again for awhile. Glad everything went well for you, no major break downs or set backs. Always great to come home to no snow for sure too. Nice to have a new batch of memories to reflect back on now as well.

  9. I think we would have to wait till July for all the snow to be gone and it is snowing here this morning. Glad you had a great trip!

  10. Sorry that your trip is over and you're back to reality. At least the snow is gone.

    We really enjoyed your travels and followed along taking notes of things to do. You did a great job of letting us share your fun!


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