Saturday, December 11, 2010

SNOW --- oh such snow coming our way - got a tree - and New Yarn for Socks

The snow is falling down.... it started last night and we are in for a foot or so, I guess.  I don't mind the snow, but there is supposed to be bitter sub-zero cold following it.  Might get to 10 below?  Brrrrrrrrr

Here are a few pics I snapped ----  with the Iphone so it's a bit blurry.  This is taken out the side door at 7 am when I let the doggers out.  They paced around and sniffed the air and licked the snow.  That was enough and back in they came.

Yes, this next photo is for my RVing friends who read this blog.  There is our poor motorhome, out in the cold.  Sure looks sad and forlorn.   It's all winterized and decommissioned of it's canned goods and clothes we like to wear often.  Waiting... waiting ... waiting...

As we sat here this morning, reading blogs and enjoying our coffee...  we are all cozy and warm.  Then Steveio and I decided we better go get a tree before the snow gets too deep.  Since we sold the pickup truck and bought the Geo Tracker, we don't really have a truck to go in the woods and snow to get a tree.  So taking the car was our next choice.  Either that or we could unzip the convertible top on the Tracker, flip up the back seat and cram one in there?   LOL

We drove to Dicks U Dig It in Suamico, WI .... it's a tree farm of items raised as nursery stock, and if you want to buy a tree, you take a shovel and dig it out yourself.  Thus the name!  (the clump of birch trees from my last blog photos with the kids came from here)   Some of the blue spruce have gotten too large and rangy for the landscaping type trees, so they advertise to come and cut them down to be used as Christmas Trees!   $10 a tree, can't beat the price.  You bring a saw and cut it down and take it home.

These are baby spruce trees, waiting to grow up and be used for landscaping

Ahhh  here is the right tree!   The one side is a bit bare, but that will go against the wall when we tuck it into the corner.   We used to get 18ft tall trees to go up to the tippy top of our cathedral ceiling when the kids still lived at home.  But since they are gone, we have decided to go smaller and in the corner.  That leaves the entertainment  center in the middle of the room where the tree used to go.  Now we don't have to move it each year and move it back again.  That gets complicated with all the cables and wires and cords.

Here is my Lumberjack Steveio doing the honors with his swedish bow saw

Tucked the trunk in the trunk--

- and heading on home (about 10 miles away)
singing Over the River and Through The Woods.....   tee hee

So there, within an hour it's cut and up in the stand in the house!   Some snow is melting off the branches yet in the house, going drip drip drip.  But that is okay, we need some humidity in here anyhow!  LOL

As I sit here and write this, I am also cranking socks on the antique circular sockknitting machine. I snapped a shot of my sock machine and where I often sit to work at. I have the laptop, my coffee mug, my yarns and machine all in one place.

I go between typing, cranking, or just looking out the patio doors and daydreaming!  If you look in the background you can see that the river was frozen over yesterday, but today it's open again.  Perhaps they opened the dam upriver and cause some turbulence--- enough to break the fragile ice layer that was forming.  Never fear, but Monday's subzero temps, it will freeze over again.

Our local television news last night had 2 or 3 dimwits who went through the ice on some of the local lakes... some ice that had just newly formed the day before, and these idiots were out there ice fishing!  I pity the poor rescue folks who endanger their own lives to get these fools back to safety.   No fish is worth that kind of risk this time of year.

This part is for my fiber friends reading this blog.

Our daughterinlaw Heather and son Dan, with little Allegra got me a gift card to Hobby Lobby for my birthday this year.  I stopped and wandered around the store and found some new to me yarn from Lion Brand called Fisherman.

It's lofty and almost springy in the socks as I crank it up.  Yummmmmmy!   100% wool in big 8oz skeins.  I can get about a pair and half per skein.  Chelsea helped me sort the yarn, wind it into balls... with the yarn trailing through her fingers as she helped to crank it slowly into balls for knitting on the machine.  She will be a fiberholic before we know it!

And here is the first sock of this lovely yarn.... fresh off the machine!  (still attached to the next one) 

Well, it's about time for a little nap here... 
Steveio already beat me up to the loft and is snoozing for the afternoon siesta.  
Guess I will go join him.  

Meeting up with RV friends Fred and Sharon for dinner out tonight, if the snow don't get too deep.  
We got four wheel drive in the Tracker, so we should be fine. 
Gotta love these Wisconsin Winters! 


  1. You can keep that snow up there!!! DOn't get any ideas about sharing it with us (lol).

    Your house looks very pretty with the snow and your RV looks so sad. :c(

  2. I love the view out your "work" window. You have a beautiful piece of property.

    Stay warm!!

    Selene, NC

  3. Brrrr, your rig does look cold out there, but I have a few shots just like it from back home in Alberta last spring and again this fall, and we were living in there trying to keep from freezing

  4. Had I known! I donated about 20 skeins of the middle color yarn this spring when I was clearing out my studio.

    Merry Christmas, I have been hearing about the storm all day.

  5. What a beautiful tree you picked out, looks great in your house. Try and stay warm in those sub-zero temps, sure don't miss them.

  6. Like I told BOB who is getting hammered with a blizzard up in Minnesota, you guys can keep all that white stuff as far north of Missouri as you can until I get back Thursday morning, then it can snow as much as it wants.Hope you are enjoying the winter weather and no camping, be safe out there, Sam & Donna.

  7. Karen,
    That sock looks like it could become another "Socky Jeepers" Ever thought of making one?
    Your "homestead" looks wonderful. I imagine it is equally so in all seasons.
    Enjoy the holidays!


  8. Love the tree. So special, when you cut it yourself.
    Love your house and your view while working..

  9. I love snow as long as you're getting it instead of me! How cool to have a Christmas tree so fresh that the snow is melting off of it as it is placed. :)

  10. Love the sock...I know you sell them on Etsy...I have never even been to that do I find it and then your store? I am thinking a pair of those would be nice on some cold winter nights here in WA and when we travel to Idaho.

  11. While I am not a big fan of snow, I have to admit the view from your work area certainly is gorgeous. If I had to be somewhere during the winter, your place sure looks nice. :)

  12. Sounds like you are getting the weather we had over Thanksgiving--that was one really NASTY storm! Stay warm, beautiful tree.


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