Saturday, September 11, 2010

VACATION - Heading East towards (dare I say it?) HOME??? ARGGGHHH


It's Friday, and we have to start thinking about getting across the state to the eastern side of Wisconsin.  Sigh.

We woke up here at Brunet Island State park, with glinting glimmering lights shining in the motorhome from all angles, as the sun was sparkling off the waters surrounding our rig.  This sight is 10 steps out of our door---  but all I did was open a window to snap this shot!  The lights were dancing on the ceiling in the rig… like little flickering faeries!



I could not resist, so I had to take a photo from each window, all of the way around the rig:

Bedroom right                                          Bedroom left



Livingroom right                                           Kitchen right



Livingroom left                                   Driver’s window left



and these are out the front and my passenger right side windows


And one across the road too


Steve took the dogs for a nice long walk, and visited with the sheltie down the way.  Isn’t this the cutest shot of them all in a row?  My “Camping Crew” !



In the meantime, I enjoyed the quiet glimmering interior of the motorhome.  With soft music on the MP3 player, I was able to work on Part 1 of the visit to the weaving museum from last week.   I stayed in my jammies till almost  NOON!   Delaying our departure as long as I could.  How could we want to leave a place like this?

Steve had been thinking about touring the Leinenkugel brewery down in Chippewa Falls today, and I was hoping to hang around for their wine festival this weekend in that area.  But instead, Steveio decided to crack the whip and get another 100 miles under our belts again towards home---

as much as I DON'T want to go home (KICKING AND SCREAMING~)

When we drove through Medford, we saw a Kmart and stopped for a few minutes.  We were able to return the cute little Android mini-laptop without a problem, and picked up a few munchies and a few more bottles of wine.  Seeing as I had to miss the wine festival, I can drown my sorrows in my own cheap wine from Kmart!   (Hey.. it was $3.19 a bottle for Tilsdale White Zinfandel!)

As we got closer to Merrill, we called up Mel and Paula, fellow RVers with a Safari that live in Wausau and made plans with them to meet up with us for dinner at the campground we we were going to next.  We went to Council Grounds State Park

 Council Grounds SP Sept 201013

Last time I had been here, my kids were about 3 and 5 and we were in the popup camper.  Erin fell outta the end bunk to the outside through a flap in the canvas and scared the bejesus outta us!  Middle of the night and my friend Debbie and I are wondering why there is a kid outside crying???  Here it was Erin!   What a shocker!



Mel and *Snap Snap Snap* Paula (that snapping is Steveio trying to remember her name!)

Council Grounds SP Sept 201011

They said the last pic I took of them, he looked grumpy…. well, of the five pics I took this time, this is the only one that turned out in focus, and again… grumpy!   Have to take a new one again there Mel… with a big cheezy grin!

Anyhow… we got into a nice site, and set up for having Mel and Paula join us for supper.  Steve cooked up some BBQ chicken breasts on the grill and I whipped up a salad, Mel and Paula brought baking potatoes and a bottle of wine!

Council Grounds SP Sept 20109Council Grounds SP Sept 201010



We ate like kings, and sat around gabbing till the last of the firewood  was burned and the park rangers were going to lock the gate on them!

(see… I told ya guys ya should brought your Safari and camped next to us!)

We hit the hay and the rain started pouring on the roof about midnight.  It was comforting and relaxing to hear the rain coming down…. and no thunder boomers or shaking dogs either!




  1. The first picture, the one of the lights flickering on the water, is a prize winner!

  2. Pretty pictures. I'm sorry you're having to head towards home. That's always the worst! Did I miss something on the little netbook? I thought about getting one after seeing how cheap it was. Too small?

  3. Those pictures are just beautiful! Made me want to go out and buy and RB right this minute! (If only, lol!) I really enjoyed visiting your blog today.

  4. I hate to see your vacation end, too. You guys have been having such a great time. Not too long before the rig will be the home you return to. :)


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