Friday, September 24, 2010

Update..... the waters are down

As of 7pm tonight, the waters have gone down almost a foot... whew!

We have our grandson Jameson here tonight, so we took him up to Marinette for a treat, out to supper, and we did a little shopping.  Took him to Micky Lu's BBQ --- check this place out, it's FAMOUS!

Jameson had his very first milkshake!   He was amazed to find out ice cream could come out of a straw!  

For two years old, that is a pretty big exciting event in a little guy's supper----  he also had a grilled hot dog, cut up into strips, dipped into ketchup and nibbled on a few chips too.   

and danged if I DIDN'T bring the camera.... drats! 

so hoping the slight drizzle we came home to is going to lighten up and stop overnight, and let the waters on the river go back down to normal range, of 4-5 feet.  Right now it's at 7.75 feet... lot better than almost 9! 

Thanks for all your concern and prayers and well wishes! 



  1. Glad things are retuning to normal! High waters can be scary. Sounds like you had a great time with your Grandson, milkshakes are a big deal when you're 2!

  2. This is good news for certain. A guy's first milkshake and you forgot the camera. :) Have a good weekend.

  3. Glad to hear the water is down. We still have much flooding around here. Unless the lake comes up 14 feet we are alright! Many roads are closed.
    Mickey Lu's BBQ, been there, done that. Everyone talks about it but we were not that impressed with it. Maybe they were having a bad night.
    Not camping this week-end, I see. Smart to stay on high ground.

  4. We're glad that the water is going down. Sounds like you are pretty safe where you are, but it always pays to keep your eye on things when you live close to water. We have had a lot of rain here too, but not to the extent that you are having, but it has rained every day for I don't know how long. We are tired of the rain!

    Glad Jameson enjoyed his meal! It is always fun watching little ones try something new and what their reaction will be.

    Kevin and Ruth

  5. So glad the waters are receeding. In Arkansas where I am originally from (Janna) they need rain so badly--can you send some their way?

  6. I hope all is still well. We've been seeing about a levy breaking...hoping that's not the one upriver from you guys?

  7. The levy is not on our side of the state, thank goodness. Our waters are now down 2 feet below flood stage, so we are doing great. Praying for those on the Wisconsin River who have all been evacuated....

  8. Yeah!! You are all right. And his first milk shake those memories!

    Cindy and Walker

  9. Phew! That's too close for comfort. Just think when your hit the road FT, you'd be long gone before the rain stopped.


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