Friday, July 30, 2010

2nd post today- A change of plans and maybe change of plans again?

Well, we made it this afternoon out to the little campground at the airport in Rio Creek ... but there were only about 15-16 sites, most occupied.  We had called 2 weeks ago for reservations.  The owners had told us to park anywhere when we get there, but "anywhere" was all sloped and slanted or muddy and wet lowlands...   There was not a level spot to be gotten for any rig over 16' long.    The one possible spot would still have taken 6 boards per back tire (times four tires would be 24 planks!)   to get level enough to keep the fridge operating.  

Then to top it off, a neighboring farmer was spreading liquid manure (a hundred times worse than fresh manure)  on his fields and it was getting stronger and stronger by the minute.  That means all weekend having all the windows closed and having to run the generator 24/7 to keep it cool inside because of the closed windows!   No thank you.

So we switched gears and went over to Bayshore Campground about 16 miles away ...

Here is a post I did on it previously.  

and here is their website:

We were lucky to get a site, number 78,  as there were only 3 vacant sites when we got here.  It's first come first serve, no reservations allowed.   Lots of trees and well-shaded sites.  While we set up, 2 other campers came and snapped up the last two sites, all filled before 2pm on a friday.


Once we got all set up ...  then we got a phone call that we have been dreading.

Steve's mom was brought to the ER tonight.  She has just completed her last chemo treatment for cancer this last week and has not been doing so well.  She is now dehydrated, running a fever and supposedly not taking the proper meds.   Pete, Steve's brother, will call us with more details as they find out.  They are 90 miles away from here, but we will take off in the car and go see what we can do if we are needed.  I suppose time on the IV will tell the tale, so it's just wait and see on pins and needles.



  1. I sure hope everything turns out well for your MIL. Our prayers are with you.

  2. I'll say a prayer for Steve's Mom. That chemo can do nasty things to a person.

  3. Hopefully the IV will do what is necessary to get her back on a more even keel. I hate the thought of what chemo does to a person in the negative sense, but I guess to go into it to begin with you have to have hope in the positive side of it. I'll be thinking of you and hope all goes well.

  4. So sorry about this new development with Steve's Mom. Prayers for all of you guys out there!

  5. Yes, it's difficult to make any kind of travel plans when elderly family members are declining with poor health. It comes down to a 'one day at a time' thing.

  6. Hope Steve's Mom improves, our thoughts are with you.

    Kevin and Ruth

  7. Stevio & Karen, we are praying for a good report on Stevio's Mom,I dread even hearing the word cancer anymore. Please know that we are praying for you guys and family.Keep us posted. your friend's Sam & Donna.

  8. Thinking of the two of you and hope Steve's mother is feeling better by now. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family.

  9. So sorry to hear the news about Steve's mom. We will be keeping her (and the family) in our prayers. Please keep us updated.

    Mike & Gerri (happytrails)


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