Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Part Two of the Cancer Crusher Car

Weeeeelll, here is the winner of the mid-size class for the
 Fathers Day Demo Derby at the Iron County Pullers Association.   

 I posted the other day about my nephew, Chris Andersen who put a special car on display... 
 it was to gain sponsorship and raise some funds to help offset the expenses for his father 
who is battling stage 4 bone cancer.  See the trophies on the roof? 

Folks could donate and then write on the car in memory of someone who has had cancer touch their lives.... 

This particular donation was from fellow bloggers, Sam and Donna of   5thwheelvagabonds   
in memory of their brother, Rick who used to drive stock cars.  
They never met me or my nephew, but donated anyhow.  How sweet was that? 

My folks painted the car up, and added the slogans and words and ribbons, and my sister did all the lettering and gathering ideas.   After the demolition derby was over, 
they were also awarded a trophy for the BEST APPEARANCE!!! 

Christopher with his 1st place trophy and the Best Appearance Trophy for my folks....

And this is their little girl, Allison, dreaming of the day when she too can drive a car in the demo derby

Just like her Grandma and Great Auntie Karen did!    
Yup, it's something I can add to my resume of  talents.., . smashing cars! 



  1. Karen, Thank you so much for the pictures of the car, I am sitting here crying like a kid, I know my brother Rick was watching from heaven and rooting Christopher on, One time Rick painted an old car up like my police crusier complete with a light on the roof and a siren and entered it in a demo derby. I still have pictures of it somewhere. We pray that Christopher was able to get finacial support for his efforts. Your Mom & Dad also did a great job of painting and decorating it including the tribute to Rick. Thank you again, for making me a happy guy. Your RV friends, Sam & Donna.

  2. OH Sam... thanks so much for caring.

    PS I loved Mayberry... we have a police cruiser on display up the road at an antique auto shop. I will have to snap a pic for you. Told Steve I want it.

    There are two police cruisers at the campground by Williston, FL called Williston Crossing

    Here is the link:

  3. Congratulations! What a wonderful, touching story. Chris made an awesome tribute to his father. It was a team effort and everyone involved deserves a pat on the back. I hope he was able to raise some serious money to help his Dad.
    I am so glad Sam was able to see his brother's name on the car also. How proud he sounded in his comment. Makes you feel good all over.
    Bless you all!!
    Mike & Gerri (happytrails)

  4. That is a great story, thanks for sharing it. Very touching!

  5. What an interesting resume you have...spinner, weaver, and smash up derby driver! :)


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