Thursday, April 8, 2010

ACK …. what a cruel joke for April!



Woke up this morning and looked out the window…..  THIS is NOT camping weather!

snowy april morning 20100


Jameson and Duchess were quite surprised too

snowy april morning 20101


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The winds are starting to kick up now and blow this all over…. so Erin made it about 10 miles west of my house, turned around and came back.  Take a day off work and stay at Mommy’s and cuddle the kids! snowy april morning 20108


Little Chelsea came over by 7:30 am, and it was still snowing and snowing and snowing...

 snowy april morning 20106 snowy april morning 20105

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snowy april morning 20103 snowy april morning 20102 

Now it’s 8:15 and it’s still snowing and snowing and snowing even harder!!!     ACK!!!

Only in Wisconsin can it be almost 80 one week and down to 20 and blizzard the next---


  1. Wow -- how did that happen?

    We got rain -- lots and lots of rain.

    You know you should think about going full time someday and moving to non-snowy climates.

    I have to admit though the snow is kind of pretty!

    Ken and Nanette

  2. pretty as it is..this will delay you going camping for a while..huh...sorry.
    I love your lace curtains..I'm putting some battenburg lace in the dining area of the RV..I love Lace!!

    Keep warm..Cindy from Tx

  3. Hope it stays north of Missouri Sam says he's doesn't want anymore bus driving in the snow, we will be on the road before next years snow and he's already said wherever we head after Oct 1st it is going to be where the chances of snow are almost zero.But Jamieson will enjoy it like all kids do and Steveio will get to plow one more time, this weekend was going to be when the plow came off the John Deere here, and the belly deck went under it, but with Sam on a trip it will wait till next week.Be safe and warm. Sam & Donna..

  4. Oh....Karen....that is SO DEPRESSING. OH MY. It should be spring.
    Thank you for your wonderful idea.....I put pics up on my blog of my experimentation with YOUR idea.......I want to send you some of these heel strips so you can try one.......if you want them, of course.
    I emailed you....but wasn't sure it was the right address.

  5. I'm sorry that spring disappeared on you! Maybe it will return quickly for all of you. Hope so.

  6. Ahhh they are promising into the 50's by the weekend so it *should* melt.

    (Hilary, I will email you)

  7. Nope, not just in Wisconsin!! It was sunny and pleasant yesterday afternoon here in Montana and when I came home from the quilt meeting I had one heck of a time--blizzard conditions!


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