Saturday, March 6, 2010

Campground Review - OB Fuller park, Delta County campground, Michigan


(this is one of series of posts of various campgrounds we have been to over the years... I am going through my files in alphabetical order and posting past camping trips in my blog... something to do over this long long winter---- sigh)


scenic 9

This park is located north of our home, along the lakeshore of the waters of Green Bay where it joins into Lake Michigan.  There are four nice campgrounds in a row along route  M35 between Menominee and Escanaba.  This one is nice because it’s further from the road, and you don’t hear the traffic noise like the other three.

I am going to mix the photos from two different camping trips to this park, so I don’t have to repeat myself.   This park is small, with just one loop of campsites, half along the water and half along the edge of the woods.  The sites are kinda close together and open, so we try to get an end site (#8 or #17)  or at least along the water side which costs a little more.

ob fuller park map 

This park has some outhouses in the middle of the loop, and a nice newer shower building with flush toilets to one side.  It’s nice for a county park, and has electric and water at each site, and a dump station out by the entrance.   You can call ahead for reservations, or  call when you are on the road and they will save you a site if they can.   It’s well taken care of and we have never had a bad experience any time we have been here.   They even have monthly and seasonal rates too that are reasonable.


scenic 1


Here are the two sites we stayed at recently---

campsite 8fuller park 20091


And this was the view out the front windshield… what a great way to wake up to sunrises over the water…

fuller park 20094 

  The park is surrounded by natural woods, and we walked through to the boatlanding and picnic area.  Someone mows a nice path to get through, so it became our morning and evening walk over to the other side of the park. 

scenic 2 scenic 3


scenic 4


Running along the north side of the park is the Bark River.   We saw tons of water birds, and I am sure the fishing was good, by the presence of the wading birds who were gobbling up goodies from the river as they waded along. scenic 5

These guys were squawking up a storm over their bountiful catches out in the bay too.  They were a lot of fun to watch.  They would get really quiet, then dip down the head, grab a fish and gobble it up.   Then the would squawk in delight over their success! scenic 7

 scenic 6

Sure would like to see this all sand dunes and higher water levels like it was about 10 years ago when we came here.  I suppose all things go through their cycles.  

I thought this was an interesting cedar tree…  no idea why it grew so crooked, but it was silly enough for me to take a pic of it.   Imagine it in the middle of winter, covered in snow and blowing winds off the bay?  Perhaps it was not as sheltered at the other trees during it’s tender formative years?  fuller park 20097


  It was one of those puffy cloud days….  shade sometimes and sunshine at others…  but warm and nice and we appreciated the get-away to a nice place. fuller park 20099


Early the next morning, a motorhome pulled in next to us.  We had been kinda happy with an empty lot so close to us, and now we had neighbors.   Oh well, we went out and said HI and offered a pot of coffee.   They turned out to be some really interesting folks!

fuller park 200933 As we visited back and forth, we learned they have been driving all over the country to some of the neatest places!   This park was just a one night stopover for them.  But the next morning, he wasn’t feeling so good and kinda dizzy, so they held off one more day and stayed again.  We had asked them so many questions of places they had been…. so Jodi hauled out  a HUGE 3 ring binder of photos!   and Frank hauled out a BIG map of the US which they used a highlighter and marked each and every road they ever travelled on!   Wheeee it was like we were travelling right with them.  They spend the entire morning at our site, going over their travels.  At first they thought they might be *boring* us… Heck no!   We enjoyed every bit and every story and every photo.   What a great couple!!!  We were sad to see them leave.

On our other trip here, (remember, I am combining two weekend trips here)   Duke and Ducky made friends with a little girl on the beach.    She had a blast with throwing sticks in and out of the water for them.   No restrictions on dogs being on the beach, as it’s not really a manicured or maintained swimming area.  Of course we pick up after them, no matter what.    This little girl latched onto our dogs, and spent a LOT of time at our campsite.  It seemed her mother was happy to be rid of her and let her stay by our site for hours on end.  The mother never did even meet us, check us out, or question where her daughter was.   Strange how trusting some parents could be?   After the second day, we had to kinda encourage her to stay at her site some of the time.  She related that she had been there for two weeks and there were NO kids there to play with.   She kept taking our dogs for walks around the loop of the park, and when she wasn’t walked them, she was brushing them or talking to them.   I think they enjoyed her company a lot.  Us, not so much.  It’s hard to take a nap or relax and do the things we wanted to do with a 10ish year old hanging around all day and evening too.

 fuller park 200941fuller park 200942


We did take off on the scooter for a ride one afternoon…   went up to Escanaba, MI for a few things we forgot to take along.  One being DOG FOOD!   For some reason Steveio removed the plastic ice cream pail where I keep in the rig full of dog food.  I usually replenish the level each time I am replacing used groceries from the previous weekend.  We always keep the rig stocked and ready to roll.   For some odd reason he took the bucket OUT of the rig, while I was counting on it being IN there.   Poor doggies had NO FOOD! Kinda like Old Mother Hubbard who went to her cupboard, huh?

On our ride, we drove past this “yard art”   Only in Da U.P. yah dere hey?

  fuller park 200920 


This was the moon coming up over the eastern horizon….  it made for a very interesting photo opportunity, or so I thought. 

fuller park 200934


Sooo that’s it for another Campground Review….   hope you enjoy my posts of past camping weekends.   As soon as I finish these alphabetical ones of local weekend trips, then I will start on our trips to Florida and out to Custer Park and Mt. Rushmore etc.  

I am finding this is a good  project to do while the winter snows and health problems keep up as home this year.   I am sure once spring arrives, I will have current pics, and more modifications we are doing to the rig.  Soon will be the big solar panel installation, and who knows what is next?   We are anxious to get springtime weather and get camping!

Today is a warmer sunny day, so I imagine we will have a lot of snow melting going on.  For now the river is still frozen, but we are seeing some gravel along the edges of the roads instead of snowbanks.. and a few areas of dried brown grass peeking through.  

Steveio is working on a big pot of chicken soup to simmer on the stove, so I think I will toss in a loaf of bread in the machine.  Both take about 3 hours to get done, just in time for lunch. 

At 10 am Steve is running over to our mechanic friend’s house who has a big car hoist ... He is putting up the little Nissan truck to see if there something goofy with a pinched wire or something erratic on it since Steveio swapped out the tranny in November.  I usually drive this truck, not him.   It only causes a few problems every now and then, but they are gonna take a better look today.   Also he got four new tires to put on the Saturn, so they will take care of mounting and balancing them too.   I don’t think he will be back by noon, cause Lyle is a gabby gabby guy.  But the soup and bread can wait for him too.

I think I am gonna weave.


  1. Thanks for sharing about your trip. I've been looking for camp sites and there are so many it is hard to choose. Now I think your photos have helped me decide. Dana from Northern California

  2. Thanks for all your notes. We stayed here from July 5 to 7, 2012 and had a good experience. The pit toilets on the map have been eliminated, but the shower house and toilets are very clean. Nice quiet campground!


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