Thursday, February 4, 2010

Some sock cranking stuff….

I have mentioned in previous blogs about my antique circular sockknitting machine.  They are finicky futzy putzy irritating things that are totally addicting and FUN!

(here is a sketch of a machine and bad pic of my machine)

sketch of sock machine side view



A while back a sweet lady and her son mentioned they had gotten some machines and needed more help in working them.  I do sell a self-produced DVD with step by step instructions….   but they asked for some one-on-one instructions. 

So Scott and Mavis came over with her machine for a going over.  I examined their antique Gearhart (very similar to mine) and it was in perfect operating condition!   That is very rare for someone to buy a machine from someone unknown and have it working perfectly. 

We threaded it up, and with careful step-by-step teaching… Scott watched intently and Mavis took detailed notes.  I completed an entire sock on their machine, so we know it works just fine. 

february lesson 20101

Just look at that beaming Momma … while her son is making her a sock---


Scott took over and cranked an entire matching sock himself!  

  february lesson 20100

So his mother now has a working machine AND a pair of socks to show for it.  They left here so excited to keep on cranking and making socks and learning more and more. 



My sister called me up yesterday and let me know about a great yarn sale on some closeout yarns.  So I drove 30 miles to that particular store in a nearby town, and bought 6 skeins to try it out last night.   It was great, so I went back at opening this morning and nabbed up 57 skeins of the remaining yarns.  Cleared them out completely.  

Then my sister then went to the store in her town and nabbed me 53 more skeins.   I will be set now with enough to knit up 86 more pairs.   I sent the first pair I knit to my sister as a Thank You for finding such a bargain. 


februrary cranking day 0


Here are some of the socks that I knit up from the new yarns… it is pre-patterned yarn that is printed to knit up in stripes.  No starts and stops of changing colors, the yarn is one long continuous strand.   In this pic, the toes are not closed up yet, so that green bunchy stuff is scrap yarn that holds the stitches in place till I get them closed properly.

februrary cranking day 9

Well, it’s getting late here.. .and time for this cranky sock cranker to head off to bed……


  1. What a great post! I am thinking we need to get us some of those socks!

    Can we get them with the toes already gone -- that would save the kids from having to wear them out.

    Our kids can wear out socks faster than anyone we have ever seen!

    Ken and Nanette

  2. Yup.... kids! Between missing socks left laying wherever they took them off in a rumpled up ball, ... or the elusive dryer eating the socks mysteriously- it's hard to keep kids socks in pairs.

    Now we see why those three little kittens didn't get their pie! They were always losing their mittens and probably their socks???

  3. Looks like you will be busy knitting for some time now with all that new yarn!

    Ruth Read

  4. Very interesting Karen. I love the new yarn. Too bad I won't be needing any warm socks.. Brings back memories of the cold winter days and how good those nice cozy socks would feel, especially when ice skating..

  5. I am in awe of you girl. I had two of those damn machines, and even though I could do it, I found it irritating, and not relaxing in the least. Not my cuppa tea.
    But your socks are the bomb.


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