Thursday, January 28, 2010

My little Fiat

We were chatting about my little car… so I said I would post a pic or two


Here it is on our wedding day….



Fiat Spider


  1. Nice looking car & I understand your fondness for sports cars. I had a 56 Austin Healy, 59 Triumph TR3 & a 64 MGB years ago. Always had a special place in my heart for sports cars:))

  2. Do you still have the car?? It is adorable! We have discovered that a low to the ground convertible is not the rig for boondocking!

  3. Yah Al, it sure was a fun little car. Steve is too tall to even fit in an MGB or MG midget. It's like a Clown Car ! LOL

    No, Janna, we don't have it anymore. The heater core broke and dribbled water on the car's computer, and it never ran right after that. Plus it was rusting bad. We traded it off for some ATV's.

    I think when we fulltime we will probably tow a Jeep Liberty or something higher from the ground. brrrr freezing today here at 10 below last night and 35 below wind chill warnings. ACK!


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