Friday, November 13, 2009

Campground Review - Cedar River North State Forest Campground, in Michigan’s Upper Penninsula – June 2008

We camped here in June of 2008

(this is one of series of posts of various campgrounds we have been to over the years... I am going through my files in alphabetical order and posting past camping trips in my blog.... something to do over this long long upcoming winter---- sigh)

This is one of our favorite get-a-way campgrounds within 50 miles of our home.  It’s called the Cedar River campground in the Escanaba State Forest, between Menominee and Escanaba  Michigan. Here is the link for the website:
Cedar River North State Forest Campground
It’s all rustic camping, about 5-6 miles in on dirt roads from off M-35 near Twin Bridge. 
There are outhouses, a well pump, and 18 rustic sites.  We like site number 10 the best, backing right up to the river.  It’s a nice park with remote terrain and well-spaced sites.  Nearby is an ATV trail, sometimes the ATVers camp right in the park, and other times ride up to use the outhouses and the well pump.   $15 a night.
The river is quiet, deep, and dark brown from the tamerack needles.  There is no swimming or any activities for children (playground, beach, picnic area etc)  so it’s a very quiet park with few families.  Mostly fishermen and retired quiet folks.   Peaceful!
 campsite number 10

the cedar river


found plant stand


weaving in the morning



  1. Cedar River looks great. We sometime enjoy a place to hang out without "stuff". Usually we have no need for a pool or clubhouse and this looks like the perfect place to enjoy nature. Thanks for sharing it.

  2. Love your pictures...hope you are feeling better, too.
    Sucks to get old sometimes, doesn't it?


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